
Thursday, November 17, 2011


A True Story

Someone once said to me, God will speak to you
If you will take the time to listen.
Incredible … I thought. Unbelievable.
Could it be that God would really speak to me?
The voice of the Lord makes the desert quake.
The voice of the Lord twists mighty oaks.
The voice of the Lord is powerful, and full of majesty.
If God spoke to me, it would change my life forever.
And then I remembered what Jesus said:
‘My sheep hear My voice.’
‘I will send the Comforter, and He will speak to you.’
And so, with a mixture of fear and anticipation
I went off into the mountains to listen to God.
I quieted my heart, and asked God to speak to me.
At first, the silence was deafening but after a few minutes, some thoughts began to come.
From the Meditational Worship on Listening Prayer
Ever So Gently
Ever so gently, Your Spirit calls to all who hear.
Ever so gently, the sound of Your voice, quiet yet clear.
Day and night – to the ends of the earth – the skies pour forth speech.
There’s no place Your voice isn’t heard.
Your patience astounds me !
From the song Ever So Gently, by Brian Doerksen & Cindy Rethmeier.

 One Woman's Testimony of Listening to God

          Listening to God can enrich your life in enumerable ways ... as a mother, father, daughter, or son. It will enhance your intimacy with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Click on top of below picture to see one woman's story. 

          I'd  love to hear your story in the area of listening. The easiest way to post your response is by double clicking on the title "Post #11" and returning to the bottom of the page to write in the white box that should appear. If that doesn't work, please send your stories, comments, questions and any other feedback to

1 comment:

  1. An encouraging testimony of listening to the Lord in prayer. I too love Zep. 3:17. Thanks for sharing your story. May our Father continue to bless your relationship with your daughter.
