
Sunday, January 8, 2012


When Jesus opened and read from the scroll of Isaiah 61 in the synagogue in Nazareth He was declaring His ardent passion for the healing of the nations. A quick look at a few of the phrases from this Messianic chapter confirms Jesus’ heart to bring healing to the broken places in the hearts of individual people of every language, culture, ethnicity, and nation:
·    The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me …
·    He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound …
·    To give them beauty for ashes …
·    So That they may be called trees of righteousness …

Isaiah went on to explain that a big part of the mission of the Messiah was to use these same broken people that He had set free to reach the wounded and hurting of other people groups:
·    And they (the brokenhearted that He had healed) shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations. (Isaiah 61:4).

Henri Nouwen wrote about this phenomenon in his book entitled The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society.

The following Musical Storyboard speaks in greater detail of the Messiah’s mission and ends with a powerful film clip that illustrates the essence of someone being healed from a significant childhood wound.

This blog was designed to accompany the publication of A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer: Meeting God in the Broken Places. Many of you who read this blog have either looked at, purchased, are reading, or have read this book. I realize that this book and blog represents only a miniscule portion of what Jesus is presently doing in accomplishing His mission to bring healing to the broken across our globe. Still, we can encourage one another by sharing our stories regarding what God is doing among the nearly seven billion people living on our planet.

As of 1/29/2014 there have been over 76,000 views of the “Listening to God Forum.” Even more exciting is that this site is being visited by people from every continent and many different nations; 123 nations in total. Aside from cities across the U.S., thousands have visited from Russia, Germany, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. Hundreds have visited from France, Canada, Mexico, China, and Poland. Sizable numbers of visitors from Latvia, Moldova, Sweden, Argentina, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia, as well countries from the African continent (Kenya, Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, etc.)

I think it would be encouraging if those of you who visit the blog would write a short note (anonymously in you prefer) that could be posted so we could encourage one another regarding what the Messiah is doing in His worldwide movement in the area of listening and healing prayer. Wouldn’t that be an incredible blessing? The easiest way to share is by leaving a comment at the end of this post and jotting down a phase or two or by emailing us at Please include the city and country where you live.


  1. Though I had a wonderful childhood,the Lord revealed some deep-rooted lies related to shame in my past that He has delivered me from. Praise God, I am so grateful to this Listening/Healing prayer ministry!
    Colorado Springs, CO

  2. I returned from the mission field banged and dinged. God used the stress of re-entry, the disappointment of a broken dream and spiritual exhaustion to surface deep pain from within my heart. I knew I needed help but didn't know exactly where to begin. God led me to a practitioner of listening prayer who recommended the book to me. As he began walking me through the process of finding and healing what was broken in me, Jesus has almost completely reoriented how I relate to Him. It is about heart and relationship - not task. I am not the same person - more aware of my brokenness but also more in love with Jesus, more whole and more healthy. I am so grateful for what God is doing in this stream of ministry. It both saved and changed my life.
    Deanna Davis

  3. Anonymous said:

    I was impressed to send this latest blog to a young man and ask him to watch the video link. Please pray for him, may the Spirit work deeply and powerfully in his life. Thank you for your ministry - these blog visual links are SO powerful, I wept with the young man on the video as Robyn Williams held him.

    Southern Colorado
