
Sunday, February 19, 2012


Whether we realize it or not, we yearn for perfect Father love. We may have experienced a deficit in this area in our growing up years, but even if we had an incredible dad, there's an innate thirst buried deep down within for God's unfailing paternal affirmation and blessing. This song by Jason Upton will meet you like few others. 

See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. 1 John 3:1

What inconceivable love is this? Not that we would merely be tolerated or endured, but be adopted as God the Father's children. I am a son of God, my faultless Father. You are His beloved daughter. Think of it ... you and I are full-fledged family members. 

Look at the words of this astonishing prophetic song:

I wanna know Your heart

like a child knows his father

I wanna know You voice

like my little boy knows my voice

And hear You at a distance
when the world can't make it out

I can hear it coming

Your voice, oh Father

Your voice, oh Father

a still small voice

And I wanna hear Your voice, oh Father

when it seems at a distance

when people think I'm crazy

for thinking I can gear You

I wanna hear Your voice, oh Father

I wanna hear it coming

I wanna be the first around the corner

to take Your hand and walk with You

to the chair that You have

and sit down on Your lap and hold on

Sometimes that's all we do as children

is just hear Your voice come running around the corner
and hold on

Sometimes that's what it feels like to be a child of God

It's just holding on

And I declare over you the enemy's camp tonight

is not fearful of a generation puffed up with Christian pride

But a childlike generation

that all it knows how to do is hold on

I wanna hold on to You, Father

more than I run and play or dance around

I wanna hold on to You, Father

sit on Your lap and hear Your voice whisper over me

In the mist of the storm ...

Oh I give You peace

The strength of a generation ... is peace

Jesus said, I wanna give you peace, oh children

Oh, the peace that comes beyond the understanding

Oh, the peace that comes from knowing the whisper of the Father

I give you peace

in the midst of your brokenness

I give you peace

in the midst of your emptiness

I give you peace

in the moments when you feel so dry

I give you peace
I will
I give you peace

when you feel you can't go on

I give you peace

when rejection's far too much

I give you peace

when the shame, the shame's too unbearable

and the world seems so cruel

I give you, I give you peace

The times it take's it all

I give you peace

I wanna see the cloud

The cloud a coming

when no one else sees the cloud

I want to see when it's coming

Gimme eyes, oh Father, faith like a child

and the ability to feel the same and know it

I see it coming now

I wanna see You coming

Before the world
I wanna see You coming

I wanna know You're coming

Over the armies, over the warriors

I know You're coming

You're coming to rescue me

I know You're coming

In the midst of the trial

I know You're coming

In the midst of the circumstance

I know You're coming

So, I'll wait

And restlessness is only that of a child waiting for his dad

shaking on the inside

Can't wait till You come home

Can't wait till You come home

Can't wait till You come home

Can't wait till You come home

Gimme the faith of a child

with a restlessness inside

Just waiting to see you, Father

before anyone else sees You

Waiting to hear You, Father

When your voice is still off in the distance

I hear You coming

Guidelines for Listening Prayer
1. Still and quiet yourself Psalm 46:10

2. Take authority over the enemy James 4:7 Acts 16:18

3. Invoke God's presence Psalm 70:1

4. Ask Jesus to search you Psalm 139:23-24 NASB

5. Ask Him to communicate with you John 16:12-14 

6. Wait on God in silence Psalm 62:1
7. Write down impressions Jeremiah 30:2

The song "Peace" by Jason Upton

I'd love to hear your feedback, comments, questions... ...

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