
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

SPECIAL POST - Pray for Colorado Springs

I am writing this on Wednesday morning, June 27, 2012.

Yesterday, due to a thunderstorm producing a 65 mph gust of wind coupled with a dramatic shift in the winds' direction ... the Waldo Canyon Fire crossed containment lines and enter the beloved city of Colorado Springs.
Within less than an hour the fire extended more than three miles northward along the front range of the Rockies into a number of previously evacuated neighborhoods. So far, no human life has been lost, but a substantial number of homes have burned to the ground ... including the "Flying W Ranch." 

This post is an international call to ask you to pray for the people and city of Colorado Springs. My home is about 6 miles away from the fire, but many of my coworkers have been evacuated and are unsure if their homes are still standing. 

I work in the US Headquarters of The Navigators on the Glen Eyrie property. Glen Eyrie is very close to where the fire raged out of control last night. My understanding is that ash from the fire started a fire or two on the Glen property, but that the buildings are still in tact. 

The high temperatures, lack of rain, as well as the direction and speed of the wind are the three factors that have made the Springs extremely vulnerable to these fires. Please intercede for God to have mercy, to send His gentle rain to extinguish the fires, to protect the more than 1,000 firefighters and half million citizens of our city, to protect Glen Eyrie, to use this tragedy for His glory and draw many people to Himself.

Thank you for your prayers - Rusty Rustenbach



  1. We are praying in Virginia for all our Nav friends in Colorado Springs.

    Jim and Valerie Young
    Yorktown Va

  2. Thanks Jim & Valerie for your prayers. Today has been much less dramatic, but the fire is still far from being under control. We could really use a day-long soaking rain. Today was cooler - high was only 96 and at 5 pm it is only 74. Everything on the west side of Interstate 25 from downtown to Monument Pass is basically evacuated or under a warning of being evacuated. I sent your Ronald Reagan video to our team. It encouraged us greatly! Many thanks for upholding us in your prayers!

  3. Rusty, thanks for taking the time to send this message out. We are praying too! Colleen and Louise

  4. God is especially pleased when we offer Him our prayers even when life is NOT going the way we expected or hoped it would go. HE is pleased with you!

    I just heard on ABC news that last night the flames were moving at a speed of 3 football fields per minute. Although this is horrible and terrifying, not one life was taken.

    I don't know how, but I believe that our God is going to use this for good is the lives of many people. Ephesians 3:20!

    Thanks for your prayer - Rusty
