
Sunday, July 15, 2012


1.    It seems that every endorsement I read for a new Christian book states it will be ‘life-changing,’ but in the case of Rusty Rustenbach’s A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer, this claim is no exaggeration. I have used the simple process Rusty outlines in this book to connect with God for my own inner healing. I have also used it to help friends meet God for theirs. Whether you need God’s healing touch personally or wish to help others find God for theirs, this is the resource you need.”
— Cynthia Hyle Bezek, former editor of Pray! magazine
Author of Come Away with Me and Prayer Begins with Relationship

2.    “Working through Rusty’s book with him has done more for me in getting at inner-life issues than any other single effort I can think of. Some things have clung to me, hindering greater fruitfulness and freedom despite years of engaging in ministry and the spiritual disciplines. Praise God for A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer and for Rusty’s help in guiding me!”
   Lee Twombly, field staff representative
The Navigators in the Detroit metro area

3.    “Rusty Rustenbach is the real deal. He led a Listening and Healing Prayer workshop at our church, and it’s really helped my ministry. Anchored in wonderful biblical insights, the principles Rusty has practiced for years transfer easily and have allowed me to grow in my time alone with the Lord. I recommend this book wholeheartedly!”
   Denis Beausejour, senior pastor,
Mariemont Community Church, Cincinnati, Ohio

4.    “This teaching on listening prayer and inner healing has provided a powerful tool for ministry in my own life and in the ministry of our church. Here the reality of wounding in the souls of people meets the power of the Lord Jesus Christ in a biblical, practical way. This material can help lead people to encounter the healing of the Lord Jesus in the deepest places of their souls.”
   Peter Mayberry, executive pastor,
First Evangelical Free Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

5.    “Rusty has a unique ability to make the truth of God’s Word, heart, and passion exciting. This book will not disappoint those hungry for deep-level inner healing. I loved it and will heartily recommend it to my clients, friends, and colleagues. Bravo, Rusty!”
   Kimberley D. Knochel, MABC, counselor, consultant
West Lafayette, Indiana

6.    Churches, Christian organizations, small groups, and individuals across the U.S. and around the world are reading and studying A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer with miraculous, life-changing results.  It’s ideally suited to help churches better minister to their people or to start and inner-healing prayer ministry. Use it to take the small group you’re a part of to a whole new level of spiritual growth. Individuals who’ve taken the time to work through the book have not been disappointed (see customer reviews).

You can purchase discounted copies of the book (up to 40% off the list price) either using your credit card or by filling out the downloadable order form and paying by check. To make your order follow the instructions on the upper left hand side of the blog. Download the free Leader’s Guide by clicking here. Experience this neglected facet of the mission of the Messiah from Isaiah 61:1-3 and Luke 4:18-19. After all, Jesus did say that He came to bring healing to the brokenhearted and set captives free!


  1. Hi Rusty, I just finished chapter 9 while on a business trip, I have been so blessed by this book! Please pray for me as travel that God will direct every aspect of my life, and not be distracted by Satan's lies, doubts, fears! I have a lot of questions for you later on about Satan's influences, but right now I need intercessory prayer! Thank you for being there!

    An Anonymous Reader
    Sent from my iPhone

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I'm elated that you are meeting God in your broken places and that He's transforming you from the inside out.

    Regarding the enemy, I like what Peter said: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour." I'll uphold you in my prayers.

    Fight the Good Fight,
