
Sunday, August 19, 2012


Someone wrote me yesterday saying he had worked through A Guide for listening and Inner-Healing Prayer and God met him in a powerful way. First, he downloaded the free Leader's Guide. Then, he wanted to take his study group at work through the book. He asked if there were videos that went along with the different chapters of the book to enhance the study.

If you are working through the book alone, by meeting with a friend, or in a group study, here are some short videos to watch that may help take the content of the respective chapters of the book deeper. Some of the videos are storyboards. Others are songs. To watch the video simply click on the light blue video title. If you’d like to download the video, Google “how do I download a YouTube video” for instructions.

For groups, my recommendation is to show one of the videos during your discussion of the Questions for Personal Growth and Discussion. For individuals it may be best to view the video either before or after you read the chapter. 

Videos are listed in English and Spanish. 
Los vídeos se enumeran en inglés y español

Chapter 1: Surprised That God Would Speak to Me
     Chose one of the following videos:                     
Chapter 2: Principles of Inner-Healing Prayer
     Chose one of the following videos:
  • Isaiah 61 New 2012 Storyboard with Good Will Hunting clip   
  • La oración que sana 
Chapter 3: The Wellspring of Spiritual Life
     Chose one of the following videos:
Chapter 4: Principles of Listening Prayer
     Chose one of the following videos:
  • Listening Prayer Storyboard
  • Listening Prayer Metro Life
  • Listening Prayer - Be Still and Know
  • La oración que sabe escuchar
Chapter 5: The Inner-Healing Prayer Process: Basic Steps
     Chose one of the following videos:
Chapter 6: The Inner-Healing Prayer Process: Alternative Possibilities, Part 1
     Chose one of the following videos:
Chapter 7: The Inner-Healing Prayer Process: Alternative Possibilities, Part 2
     Chose one of the following videos:
  • Living Out of Brokenness: Dealing with Lies, Vows, and Strategies
  • God Has Spoken for Me 
  • El corazón de Dios por mi se realizó Danilo Montero
Chapter 8: Obstacles to Inner Healing and How to Handle Them, Part 1
     Chose one of the following videos: 
  • Beauty for Ashes
  • The Life of Listening & Yielding to the Voice of the Master by Rita Springer
  • Dentro está Tu voz por Jaci Velásquez 
Chapter 9: Obstacles to Inner Healing and How to Handle Them, Part 2
Chapter 10: Sealing the Healing and Taking It Deeper
     Chose one of the following videos:
Chapter 11: Character Foundations for Facilitating Inner-Healing Prayer
     Chose one of the following videos:
Chapter 12: Facilitating Inner-Healing Prayer: Basic Process
Chapter 13: Facilitating Inner-Healing Prayer: Alternative Possibilities
Conclusion: The End or a New Beginning?
     Chose one of the following videos:
  • Full Attention by Jeremy Riddle
  • Discipleship from the Inside Out
  • I Am by Kirk Franklin
  • More Than a Friend by Jeremy Riddle
  • Discipulado de adentro hacia fuera
  • Un destello de Tu gloria en Español y English por Jesús Adrián Romero

For additional videos go to:

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