
Sunday, January 27, 2013


Bruce & Jodi Hook from Mexico and yours truly teamed up for a full week of ministry focused on the area of relational healing. Costa Rican nationals Dexter & Lidiette Watson set things up and were incredibly gracious hosts.
On Thursday & Friday January 17 & 18 we spent two intense days of mediation training with our hosts as well as two other young Costa Rica couples. We saw the hand of God at work in these 3 very eager and teachable couples.
Then we spent all day Saturday and Sunday conducting a seminar with 23 Costa Rican couples in a semi-outdoor setting … teaching biblical principles covering the A to Z regarding both the why’s and how to’s of dealing with the conflict and maintaining a marriage characterized by love and unity.
              Bruce, Lidiette, Rusty, Jodi & Dexter                            23 couples in discussion at Relational Healing Seminar
 At the end, after listening to God over several questions, a time of sharing what God did went for over an hour. Several couples reconciled their relationships, as did at least one family. It was amazing!
One person commented: “Every video, song, and message took us by the hand step-by-step without allowing us to turn back. The Holy Spirit revealed the hurts we caused our spouses and the need to fully reconcile with them ... and we obeyed.”
Another said, “At the end of seminar after God had searched our hearts and led us to reconcile, the peace we experienced was fantastic; much better than a weekend getaway at a hotel.  God did His work in us and we are really encouraged and excited. Now we can really get moving and put all the things we learned into practice.”
FORGIVENESS: “It’ll clear the bitterness away. It can even set a prisoner free. There is no end to what its’ power can do. So let it go and be amazed by what you see through eyes of grace. The prisoner that it really frees is you! … Forgiveness!” Here’s a powerful video that captures what God did in many lives in Costa Rica.
Thank you for your prayers for a miracle week in Costa Rica … or as they say there - “¡pura vida!”  

I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Amazing! Forgiveness.....!

    The 1Oth Avenue North Song Losing is similar in some ways.

    ...Why do we think that our hate's going change their heart
    We're up in arms over wars that don't need to be fought
    But pride won't let us lay our weapons on the ground
    We build our bridges up but but just to burn them down
    We think our pain is own apologies and then it'll stop
    But truth be told it doesn't matter if they're sorry or not
    Freedom comes when we surrender to the sound...
    Of mercy and Your grace
    Father, send Your angels down

    Oh Father wont you forgive them
    They don't know what they've been doing
    Oh Father, give me grace to forgive them
    Cause I feel like the one losing
    I feel like I've been losing...

    You do not need to post this but Forgiveness is the free iTunes download song at this week.


    1. Thanks KTJ for sending the words to "Losing" by Tenth Avenue North about the timely subject of forgiveness ... and that it's the free download song of the week from

