
Sunday, February 10, 2013


In 2007, the American Christian rock band Sanctus Real received the Dove Award for their groundbreaking song, “I’m Not Alright.” The chorus makes the following confession: I'm not alright, I'm broken inside, broken inside. And all I go through, it leads me to You. It leads me to You! In case you’re not familiar with I’m Not Alright check out their YouTube video
Are you aware of the brokenness inside of you that’s the result of growing up in a shattered and fragmented world? If so, you’ll appreciate the passage Jesus quoted when He began His ministry on earth, and some principles from the book this blog is all about.
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners. Isaiah 61:1 nasb

In beginning His ministry on earth by reading from Isaiah 61, Jesus sought to revolutionize the concept we might have regarding the character of God and His ardent compassion for how things are going down deep within us – in the very core of our being. His upside down and inside out approach contrasts sharply with the religious professionals of His day and ours. Hallelujah Immanuel! God is truly with us, for us, and with a radical passion for binding up the shattered places in our core (where we live). He came to free us from our inner captivity!

This 4 minute Storyboard explains the mission of the Messiah in greater depth and helps it come to life.
Chapter two of A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer talks about five foundational principles of inner healing.
1.    All of us have had our hearts broken; no one is immune. However there’s an enormous differentiation as far as how much wounding we’ve experienced and the amount of healing we may need.
2.   We weren’t born with our hearts broken. There are specific events or patterns that happened where our hearts ruptured. The heartbreaks that tend to impact us the most happened before we moved into adulthood.
How were we wounded? There are four primary ways.
·      We’ve wounded ourselves by sinning and doing foolish things.
·      We’ve been emotionally injured by others at times by what they did to us, and sometimes by what they neglected to do.
·      On occasion our sinful reaction to the abuse of another led to our inner brokenness.
·      Our misinterpretation of a neutral event can also lead to bondage.
3.   Past woundedness is often triggered by present difficulties. Our concealed past bruises will usually seep into the present. Though painful, this can help us turn to God for His healing help. 
4.   Though the event may have been very painful, what occurred inside us (the inner lies, vows, and faulty strategies) in reaction to the event (or pattern) is the source of our captivity.
5.   Supernatural illumination is essential for the truth to set us free. Cognitive intellectual knowledge alone will shortchange us.
The attributes of our Triune God qualify Him as the ultimate resource for the mending of the heart. He’s omniscient so He knows absolutely everything about us. He’s omnipresent so He was there when we were wounded, and is fully present to us as I go through the healing process. His omnipotence means He has the power to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.
Where do you find yourself in your healing journey? I'd love to hear from you!

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