
Sunday, April 28, 2013


The “Beauty for Ashes” Seminar in Nairobi, Kenya did take place as scheduled. We really felt prayed for and saw God at work.  As we reviewed the seminar we were confident that God was with us and answered all the prayers offered above and beyond. Thanks Rusty for sending the revised material... and Thobe and Dimpho for sharing your experience in Zambia.

We started with a prayer of Casting our Cares, bringing all the concerns that might distract each person wrote and presented to the Lord the burdens they might be carrying, after which we gathered the requests and Nick prayed a powerful prayer for everything. Several testified that it was the highlight for them!

We had people share their expectations for the time, we got responses such as: For God to hear, freedom from bondage, healing, refreshment, a new beginning, and move forward in helping others.

First, we spent a time of Listening to God and though the time was short, the women came back from this time alone with God having heard God speak to them. We continued with the Inner-Healing Prayer and again the Holy Spirit was at work. Words like awesome, refreshing, too short, difficult and clarity were used to describe the time.

These are some truths about God that came through: Persistent in pursuing me; longs for intimacy with me; He knows and cares; He is always with me; He is a strong refuge; He heals and He speaks....

We ran out of time to pray through all of the inner-healing process. We have therefore fixed May 11th to continue the Seminar. Most indicated desire to attend.

Thank God for:
1.    Helping us to facilitate,
2.   The 55 women who attended,
3.   Answering all of our requests.

Please ask God:
1.    That all who attended will continue listen to God and continue in their and be able to attend the concluding part of the seminar on May 11th,
2.   That He who started this good work will bring it to completion, and
3.   For His leading on the way forward for this ministry in Kenya and Africa.

And may the prayers of righteous ones like you be powerful and effective as in James 5:16. Glory to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine for ever. Amen. Ephesian 3:20-21. May He speak refreshing words of His steadfast love to you daily. Psalm 143:8

In His love,
Salama, Rhoda, and Nick (Africa Staff Care Team)

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  1. Sounds like it was a blessed experience. May such times with God become a life-changing habit.

  2. Thanks Konstantine for your blessing.
