
Sunday, May 12, 2013


The Listening to God Forum (L2G) is built upon four foundational pillars.  

1.    The fall of Adam and Eve meant that humankind was destined to reside in a broken world characterized by dysfunctional family and societal relationships. Jesus highlighted inner healing and the freeing of captives as central components of His gospel message (Isaiah 60:1 and Luke 4:18). The way His own people related to Old Testament law created a highly toxic performance based culture that neglected the needs of the poor and disadvantaged. Jesus Messiah set out to change all of this by transforming people from the inside out and replacing hypocritical self-righteousness with communities of grace characterized by sincere love (Romans 12:2 and 2 Corinthians 3:18). 
2.   Since the Holy Spirit resides in the core of the New Testament believer (John 7:38-39), every serious follower of Christ can receive personal communication from God (John 16:12-14) and learn to pray with people in such a way that the Spirit of God can reveal core lies, unbiblical vows, defective strategies and other debilitating wounds. Each believer can be used of God in the healing of the heart and in setting captives free from addictions and other compulsive behaviors (1 Peter 2:9-10). 
3.   Every ministry, church, mission, body of believers, and Christian organization can be equipped and trained to have a viable inner-healing prayer ministry to bring healing to the deep wounds of their own laborers and to assist in helping the emerging generation of broken people they are seeking to reach. The church is meant to be a healing community characterized by deep vulnerability and love that will attract the poor, broken, and lost people that surround us (Isaiah 61:1-4 – in verse 4, after the Messiah heals and binds up the broken, He then intends to use these ‘wound healers' to rebuild the ancient ruins and reach the world).

4.   The book A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer – Meeting God in the Broken Places is a curriculum of biblical teaching, examples, stories, and assignments that can be used by gifted leaders of large and small groups of motivated individuals to bring healing to their own broken places and to facilitate inner healing with the hurting people of our day. It is a tool that the Holy Spirit can use to multiply the Gospel in culturally relevant ways and accomplish the Great Commission in this generation. (Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:17-18, Matthew 24:24, and Matthew 28:19

I’d love to hear from you regarding this post. Leave your comment or email the forum at


  1. Good stuff, Rusty. We all need encouragement in this journey. Your book is a great place for people to start.
