
Sunday, June 16, 2013


This guest post is by Gordon Darby, author of numerous books dealing with the father wound.
Not long ago, I asked a conference of 350 fathers,
“When you first became a father, did your own dad reach out to you—maybe with a phone call, a letter or a visit—to give you encouragement, support, or advice?”
Only five hands went up.
Is it any wonder we men withdraw from our children?
On another occasion, I asked 150 men, “When you were growing up, did your father talk to you helpfully about girls and sexuality?”
Two hands.
Is it any wonder men’s sexuality is confused and out of control?
In both instances, the men polled were not marginal in any sense. The majority had jobs, families, and shared values representative of the society at large.
In almost twenty-five years of speaking at men’s events around the world, I’ve rarely seen those proportions change. The father-wound is an epidemic among us, snowballing down through the generations unto today. But because it stirs such deep shame, however, we men fear it and try desperately to hide it—often with alcohol, pornography, and other destructive behaviors. It’s the proverbial elephant in the world’s living room.
Healthy civilizations have recognized the critical role of fathers since ancient times. In the last two verses of the ancient Hebrew Scriptures, for example, God promises to “turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, or else I will come and smite the land with a curse” (Malachi 4:56). To see that curse unleashed among us today, you don’t have to be religious—just honest.
I once heard a Catholic priest tell of a nun who worked in a men’s prison. One day, she said, a prisoner asked her to buy him a Mother’s Day card for his mother. She did, and the word traveled like wildfire around the prison. Deluged with requests, she called Hallmark Cards, who obliged with huge boxes of Mother’s Day cards as a donation. The warden arranged for each inmate to draw a number, and they lined up through the cellblocks to get their cards.
Weeks later, the nun was looking ahead on her calendar, and decided to call Hallmark again and ask for as many Father’s Day cards, in order to avoid another rush. As Father’s Day approached, the warden announced free cards were again available at the chapel. To the nun’s surprise, not a single prisoner ever asked her for a Father’s Day card.
The father-wound is most often a wound of absence—emotional as well as physical. As such, it’s harder to recognize than others. You can kill a living organism in two ways. With a plant, for example, you can cut it down, smash it, or beat it up. Or, you can just leave it alone and not water it. Life requires input. Abandonment kills.
In the souls of men, the weapon of destruction is shame. When Dad doesn’t embrace, encourage, guide, and protect him, a boy grows up thinking, “Dad doesn’t value me. I must not be worth much.” He doesn’t feel like a real man, confident that he belongs in the world, with both a destiny and the power at hand to fulfill it. His inadequacy stirs tremendous shame and anger at being abandoned in his deepest need.
Distrusting himself and other men, he’s easily suckered into a counterfeit masculinity, from fast sex and alcohol to isolation and violence. Hence, prisons are bulging. Yet even the average, law-abiding man today hasn’t had a father who said, “You’re my son and I love you,” or who helped him discover his unique talents and abilities. As a small boy in a large world of men, he’s imprisoned by bars of shame from father-abandonment, unable to fulfill his destiny. He misfocuses his muscles, intelligence and energies destructively instead of creatively.
One 32-year-old magazine editor, whose father had died two years earlier, put it this way: “I’m still waiting for my father to talk to me about sex and success, money and marriage, religion and raising kids. The shame of it is, I don’t know a man my age who doesn’t feel like he’s navigating his life without a map.” (Joe Kita, Men’s Health 6/95)
A real man is a man who’s real. He walks in the truth, even when it costs him his image of being in control. He doesn’t want to hide his wound; he wants to heal it. He wants to face and overcome his inadequacies, so he can fulfill his calling as a husband, father, worker, and citizen. He’s willing to confess, “I don’t need a beer, my boss’ approval, a sexual encounter, a gun, a race to hate, or a million dollars. I need a father!”
In fact, when Dad is absent, the boy looks to Mom to fill the gap -- ultimately, identifying more with the woman than the man. Later, he may grasp onto his wife. But no woman, no mater how present, loving, and helpful, can be a father.
Until a man faces this deadly wound, he’ll never seek healing. To break the crippling generational cycle of shame and destruction, at least three steps are necessary.
First, a man must forgive his father for wounding him. Often this happens as the man dares to see the awful brokenness in his dad which fueled the wounding. Ask Jesus to show you your dad the way He sees him. A boy cries FROM his father’s wound; dad hurts you, and you cry. But a real man cries FOR his father’s wounds, feeling his dad’s pain and giving it to Jesus, instead of stuffing it, hating his father—and ultimately, hating his own manhood.
Secondly, letting go of your expectations on Dad frees you to recognize God as your true Father “from whom all fatherhood in heaven and on earth receives its true name” (Ephesians 3:14 NIV). Call him Father. Cry out to him for what your earthly dad didn’t—and couldn’t—give you. My dad was an award-winning tennis player but never taught me to play. As a new Christian, I asked Father God to teach me how to play tennis. Two weeks later, I met a new pastor in town who, as we chatted, told me he was a tennis coach and said he’d teach me how to play.
Thirdly, we men need to begin fathering ourselves through a community of support. The fatherless man today can begin to trust himself and reclaim his destiny as a man among men by getting together with other men and talking honestly about his brokenness and strengths. The shame flees when you discover you’re not alone, that we’re all in this together. The wolf loves the lone sheep.
However we choose to face it, we men are literally dying today for a father. But the good news is, you don’t have to wait for a program. New life can begin with a simple handshake or phone call to say, “I need you, brother.” Granted, it takes courage. It takes a real man.
Check out this Father Hunger video:

GORDON DALBEY’s bestselling classic Healing the Masculine Soul helped pioneer the men’s movement. His Sons of the Father: Healing the Father-Wound in Men Today, Fight like a Man: A New Manhood for a New Warfare, and his new Do Pirates Wear Pajamas? and Other Mysteries in the Adventure of Fathering have continued his ministry of healing among men. A popular speaker around the US and world, he lives in Santa Barbara, CA, and may be reached at
Though this post focuses on men, women also struggle deeply in this area. Love to hear your feedback on father hunger:

1 comment:


    It is the will of the Father that all men be saved. The question is can men reject what the words of Jesus and still be saved.

    John 6:40 For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day."

    The Father wants all men to be saved.

    John 12:48-50 He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day........

    Can men be a true believer in Jesus and at the same time reject His word?

    How many times can men say, "Jesus did not mean what He said." Can men proclaim their creed books and other denominational teaching takes precedent over the words of Jesus and still be saved?


    Mark 16:16 He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.

    Can you reject the fact that Jesus said "Has been baptized shall be saved?" Are you receiving the sayings of Jesus when you proclaim that water baptism does not precede salvation?

    Matthew 24:10-13 At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another.......13 But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.

    Can men oppose what Jesus said and declare that men that are once saved are always saved? Will they still be saved?

    John 3:5 Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one isborn of water and the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

    Can men proclaim that Jesus was saying, in order to enter the kingdom of God you have be born by natural child birth. Can you imagine Jesus saying that a requirement to enter the kingdom of God is being born of amniotic fluid?

    John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father but through Me."

    Can believers in Christ say that Jesus is just one of many roads to salvation and remain saved?

    John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son , that whoever believes in Him shall not perish , but have eternal life.

    Some say, that John 3:16 actually means that whoever God has been predetermined for salvation, will believed and be saved and all others will burn in hell for all eternity.

    Can men give their private interpretation of Scripture and still be saved?



