
Sunday, September 15, 2013


In 1997 I purchased the album "A Maze of Grace" by Avalon and listened to it over and over. While driving home from work the other day, a song from that album, "Reason Enough," deeply ministered to my heart. I want to share this song with you in hopes it will touch your heart in the same way it's touched mine. It was awarded the Christian song of the year in 1999.

Reason Enough

(Click on the play arrow below to play the Avalon song "Reason Enough from YouTube.

I don't know what You saw in me, but I'm glad You believed ...
In spite of my condition, that Your mission was to rescue my heart.
Jesus, it blows my mind to think about how, in spite of my complete lostness and utter depravity, You saw me and decided to "invade" my life over forty years ago. I was addicted to and dealing drugs, and was at a place in my life where I'd do anything to get high. As the song says, in spite of my condition Your mission was to rescue my heart. You pulled off a supernatural search and rescue that continues to impact me to this day.

There's no doubt in my mind that if You hadn't found me that I wouldn't be alive today. I would have never met my wife nor had five incredible children with her, or be writing this post to express how indebted and grateful I am to You.

Don't understand the sacrifice, why You gave up your life ...
for the sake of my soul, only heaven knows!

It's extremely rare that a person would give up his or her life for a good and upright person. But that YOU as the Creator of the Universe would offer up YOUR for life for lost and sinful individuals who weren't even looking for YOU just doesn't make sense. God, YOU demonstrated YOUR unfailing love toward us when we were heading in the opposite direction. Amazing love, how can it be, that the Holy One would give His life up for me.

You have opened my eyes to see the miracle You have made of me.
I am Your creation, so keep on reminding me.

But the miracle isn't just that you rescued me from my lostness. No, it's much more! You've stuck with me for these last 43 years. You've had ample reason to dessert or reject me. When I think of my periods of internal rebellion, ingratitude, daily battle with sin, and other many failures ... and that You have never given up on me ... I am amazed and overwhelmed by You. You're beyond my wildest imagination!

There's a mercy so much stronger than the weaknesses in me.
And there are glimpses of Your power that makes it easy to believe.
Your incredible strength and power is exalted and magnified in our human weakness. What an incredible and high privilege it is to belong to You.

(Note: clicking on blue or purple text will link you to additional scripture or teaching.)

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