
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Milagros en León - Miracles in Leon

See the translation in English below ...
Durante el vuelo entre Colorado y León, México, tenía la sensación que Dios me comunicaba que lo que El iba a hacer en León no dependía de mi. Escribí el siguiente mensaje en una servilleta que la azafata de la línea aérea me dio;  ¡Yo amo el pueblo de León muchísimo y voy a hacer ‘milagros de gracia’ entre ellos!”

Aquí están algunos puntos culminantes que la gente señaló después de tres días de capacitación: 
  • Este fin de semana cambio tantas cosas!!! Gracias a Dios!!!
  • Me ha hecho recordar cosas que no sabia que me estaban dañando tanto … y me ha dado una nueva libertad … me siento ligera, agradecido, y reafirmado en su amor.
  • He podido entregar algunas cargas emocionales que he llevado durante años a Dios.
  • Me ha abierto mis ojos a la importancia de profundizar mi relación con Dios a través de la oración.
  • Ha sido una capacitación muy relevante ya que cada vez vemos mas corazones rotos, familias disfuncionales, padres ausentes …

Nos gustaría saber sus pensamientos sobre este poste. Deje su comentario abajo o escríbenos en

During my flight from Colorado to Leon, Mexico, I sensed God communicating that what He was going to do in Leon didn’t really depend on me. I wrote the following message on a napkin that the flight attendant gave me; “I love the people of Leon very much and am going to accomplish ‘miracles of grace’ among them!”

Here are a few highlights that people reported at the end of three days of training:
  • This weekend changed so many things!!!! Thanks be to God!!!!
  • It helped me remember things that I didn’t realize were damaging me so much ... and gave me new freedom. I feel much lighter, thankful, and renewed by His love.
  • I was able to surrender some emotional burdens I had been carrying for so many years to God.
  • It opened my eyes to the importance of deepening my relationship with God through prayer.
  • The training was so relevant because today there are more and more people with broken hearts who comes from dysfunctional families and grow up with parents who are absent …

Would love to know your thoughts about this post. Leave your comment below or write us at


  1. I am never surprised by what God does! He's amazing, wonderful and magnificent. Thanks for sharing.


  2. What the sheep can't do .... the Shepherd can !

    Nothing is impossible with God !

  3. Wonderful to see God's hand of grace healing in so many areas.

    Thank you for sharing.


  4. How wonderful to see the hand of God work in so many areas of healing.

    Prayers continue,

