
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Please make a generous year-end donation to this important ministry!

The Spirit of the sovereign Lord has anointed Me … to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound … to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, … that they may become oaks of righteousness, that He may be glorified.  - Isaiah 61:1-3
What are the things that hold us back from becoming the oaks of righteousness that God created us to one day be? For many of us there are events that took place when we were children that caused us to believe lies about God, our destiny, and ourselves. Like the little boy who was told he was a loser and would never amount to anything; or the five-year-old girl who was beat with a shoe and locked in a dark closet because she told her father she was hungry.

God has allowed me the high privilege of helping individuals encounter Him in such a way that they can be set free from the deceit that past painful events taught them and be transformed from tiny acorns into mighty oaks within the Kingdom of God through listening and inner-healing prayer.

In his late 40’s, the boy who was repeatedly told he was a loser, who’d never amount to anything, had an angry conflict with a Christian leader who reminded him of his father.  After meeting together for several months, he was led to lay his anger at the feet of Jesus in a time of prayer … and miraculously, the Savior took it away! A week later he forgave his alcoholic father. Within a year of being restored to full time ministry he began to mentor missionaries working in a difficult overseas assignment. He ended up being an integral influence in developing a multiplying work in one of the most neglected mission fields on our planet.

God also spoke to the woman who was beat with a shoe for saying she was hungry.  She took part in a ten week church study class that used the healing prayer book God inspired me to write as their curriculum.  “God took me back to that day 47 years ago … Father God placed His hand on me and told my spirit, ‘I’m going to protect you and her (the little girl) ALWAYS!!!!’ … Later God said, ‘Daughter, I had My hand on you and your life even when you didn’t think I was there for you. My hand is strong, and that makes you strong. Start your new thinking with new views and understanding that when I put My hand on a person, I NEVER REMOVE IT … I made you special to Me!’” 

In Matthew 25:40 Jesus affirmed the importance of caring for these little ones when He said “whatever you did to the least of these, so you did to Me.”

Year End & New Year Appeal

As a full time Navigator missionary, a significant part of my yearly funding comes in response to a year-end appeal to those who believe in the importance of this work. My 2015 calendar is filling up with several special trips to Latin America … Costa Rica (Healing Prayer Training), Mexico City, (Relational Healing Training) and Guatemala (Discipleship from the Inside Out). I’m trusting God to provide $3,000 for the airfare of these 3 trips because they are to minister to Latin American believers with limited funds.

God gave us good progress in our monthly support last year. In order to continue to be fully funded throughout 2015, I'll need an additional $400 in monthly support or $4,800 for the entire year.
This $7,800 year-end funding goal is not an impossible dream. If God led two people to give $1,000 each; six more with $500 each; ten giving $100 each, and a combination of 35 smaller year-end gifts averaging $50, this work would be fully provided for throughout the coming year. Gifts of all sizes are welcome and needed! Please pray and ask Jesus what part He would have you take in helping acorns become oaks in 2015. To make your gift, please click on the MAKE A DONATE button.

As of January 10, 2015, $4,325 has been given to fully fund the work for 2015! I thank God for your generous support. I am excited! Just $3,475 more is needed. We are more the half way there! I will update the funding thermometer as God prompts hearts to donate to this important work!

Partner with me in taking Discipleship from the Inside Out to the innermost place of the heart among His people who live in uttermost parts of the earth. Many thanks in advance for your essential help!

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