
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Newness of Life in the New Year

As I was asking God for a fresh word for the New Year, the phase newness of life came to mind. After Googling this phrase, I quickly came across a couple of key verses:
… Just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, so we too might habitually live and behave in newness of life. Romans 6:4b AMP

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT
This led me to a question. In 2013, did I habitually live and behave in newness of life? I pose the same question to you … how was your experience of the new life in 2013? This opened the door to the following query.

What hinders us from consistently living in newness of life?

Scriptures tells us that our walk with God is hindered by three archenemies:
1.    The resistance of our own flesh (Romans 8:13) {For more info, click on blue/purple text}
2.    The opposition of the world system (Romans 12:2),
3.    The deceptive trickery of the devil (John 10:10).

These three (the world, our flesh and the devil) work in concert with one another by seeking to distort God’s Truth just like the serpent did to Eve in the Garden of Eden. 

The most quoted Bible verse in Hollywood movies is “the truth will set you free.” We find ourselves in the midst of a hidden but raging cosmic guerrilla warfare. The enemy wants rob us of the new life that's been promised to us through our faith in Jesus Christ. His primary tactic is to sow his lies so God's truth is powerless to set us free.

The freedom fighter’s counterinsurgency plan

Genesis tells us the earth was once a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, and an inky blackness. Then God spoke “light” and light appeared, then “sky” and there it was, … until all that we see came into being by the power of His Spoken Word. When God speaks, that which is not is can be called into becoming.

Practical application for 2014

PLAN A: Set aside a regular special time alone with God to engage in listening and inner-healing prayer. You may want to spend 3 hours every Saturday morning, or 3 hours once per month. Follow a plan. If you have a copy of A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer work through chapters 5, 6, and 7. If you need a copy order it off of this blog or through Amazon paper back or Kindle or as an iBook off of iTunes. If you order it off this blog we’ll include two free bookmarks: one on listening and the other on healing prayer.

PLAN B: Many people find that being part of a Healing Prayer Study Group of 3 to 6 people can be especially helpful. There is a Free Leader’s Guide posted on the blog under “Tools.” You don’t have to be an expert to guide one of these groups. Why not get together a small group of interested friends and work your way A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer in the first part of 2014.

PLAN C: Commit to listening to God on a weekly basis in 2014. Perhaps Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon might be your best opportunity. Set aside 60 to 90 minutes for this time alone with the Master. Ask Him, Lord Jesus what is Your life giving word for me for this coming week? What are you seeking to communicate with me? Then jot down the thoughts He sends to you in a notebook. 2014 will likely be your best year ever!

PLAN D: Ask God what He’d have you do to grow in the experience newness of life in 2014. Write down what you sense He’s leading you to do. Share what He’s leading you to do with a friend or two who will encourage you. Then, Just do it! 

What's your plan for newness of life in 2014? Drop us a comment; we'd luv2hear from U.


  1. Hi Rusty! Enjoyed your thoughts. Thanks! As I prayed for 2014 I was impressed with 3 key themes: Rev. 21:5 - "I am making everything new!" Isaiah 42:16 - "... I will lead... I will guide... I will turn the darkness into light and make the rough places smooth... I will do it..." [5 Key "I will's"]. And Numbers 6:25-27 - The Priestly blessing (Blessed to Bless others. I want to listen to God more and better in 2014. I plan to set aside 60 minutes per weekend to do that. Thanks for your encouragement! Andy

  2. Thanks Andy. I sure like Rev 21:5 and that He is in the business of giving us newness of life!
