
Sunday, February 2, 2014

White As Snow

I desire to hear from You this morning, oh my Three-in-One. Since all authority has been given unto You, Jesus, in Your authoritative name I command all of the other voices of the world, my flesh, the devil, my own understanding, and the skepticism of my rational mind to be silent and not interfere with this time of listening to You.

I know You are present, but still invite You to come in a special way and commune with me this morning as my heavenly Father, the Son who gave Himself for me, and through the Holy Spirit who resides in my innermost being. What do You have to communicate to me just now? Speak, Lord, for I am listening.

I dwell on a high and holy hill but also with the contrite and lowly of spirit in order to revive and renew you deep within.” 
White As Snow - Taken on 2/2/2014

As I look out the window I see the newly fallen snow on the trees, lawn, and car in the front yard.  

“Though your sins are red as crimson, I am the One who makes them white as the fresh driven snow. Due to My death in your place on the cross of Calvary I am the One who declares you ‘innocent.' As I say in My Word, 'How happy is the one whose wrongs are forgiven, whose sin is hidden from sight. How happy is the person whose sin the Eternal will not take into account. How happy are those who no longer lie, to themselves or others.'” 

Thank You that my sin is hidden from Your sight so that You are presenting me before the presence of Your glory as unblemished, blameless and faultless with unspeakable, and ecstatic joy and delight. 

And though I walk in the midst of the hurt and trouble of a broken and sinful world dealing with my own brokenness, weaknesses, and failings … You bow down from heaven to lift me up and revive me. You stretch forth Your might hand against the fury of my enemies and uphold me by Your victorious right hand. You will finish what You started in me years ago when You called me to Yourself so I would belong to You. 

And so my heart is full of worship and praise for You. You are the Worthy One … the Only True God and Savior. You are worthy, oh Lord, of all honor. You are worthy to receive all praise. In Your presence I live and with all I have to give. I will worship You!” (From “You Are Worthy” written by Darlene Zschech, Hillsong Publishing.)

Watch and Worship Him: "You Are Worthy"

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