
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Listening and Inner Healing Prayer in Costa Rica

                Bruce, Lidiette, Rusty, Jodi & Dexter                                        in                                        75 Costa Ricans took part in this
                  Our hosts: Dexter & Lidiette Watson                                  Suburban                                 2-day seminar from 8 am to 4 pm
                 Presenters: Bruce & Jodi Hook & Rusty                    San Jose, Costa Rica                              on Sat-Sun, Sept 4-5, 2015

What did God accomplish in the lives of those who attended the seminar?

  • In the eternal pact God made with me, He wants me to be His healthy daughter who listens for His guidance on a daily basis and to be free from all bondage.
  • I learned to stop worrying and to instead yield everything into God’s hands and relax. I talked everything over in depth with Him, listened, and really enjoyed it. I want to do this as a lifestyle. 
  • He showed me His capacity to reveal His presence in every event of my life. He showed me the lies I’ve believed and replaced them with His truth. 
  • God liberated me from the captivity of loneliness I’ve lived with since I was an infant. 
  • It's new and important to me the fact that prayer is more about listening than petitioning. Now I know that I can listen and receive healing from Him. And I can learn to do this ministry with others as well!
  • I learned that what I want God to heal is not necessarily what He wants to heal.
  • The seminar helped me to forgive myself and to forgive those who hurt me in the past.
Thank you for your prayers, gifts and many acts of love that made all of this possible. Please pray that listening and inner healing prayer and discipleship from the inside out will multiply throughout Costa Rica and to her neighbors to the north (Nicaragua) and south (Panama) for His glory!

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