
Tuesday, November 17, 2015


When you live more than 6,000 feet above sea-level, weather changes are often pretty radical. After an unseasonable warm fall, winter-like weather moved into the Colorado Springs area Monday night and Tuesday morning of this week. 

As a pastoral care provider, my life is very similar to the weather here. Sometimes, day-to-day life is uneventful and sunny. At other times, I am thrust into helping individuals or couples to work through incredibly difficult life circumstances and crises. Or, I encounter catastrophes of my own making that I find difficult to deal with. My One stabilizing X factor in the midst of both good and difficult days is that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).


Just before 6 a.m., Colorado Springs police issued a Tweet that warned of a small bear on the median where Interstate 25 passes through the middle of our city. The bear was attempting to cross the busy highway just south of mile marker 145, according to police, and drivers were being asked to slow down in that area. Later the newspaper reported the bear made it to the other side. So another potential crisis was successfully mitigated.

Jesus Christ is our anchor and sure foundation in times of traumatic change and the crises that seem to invade our lives. As we turn to our sovereign Lord and Master, He can take the storms of our lives and transform them into a thing of great beauty and blessing. Isn't He wonderful!

Regarding our winter storm, this will be my view of the central attraction of Colorado Springs as I drive into work tomorrow. How majestic is His name!

At 14,115 ft. Pike's Peak is one of the highest Rocky Mt. summits.  
Kissing Camels and the Garden of the gods are in foreground.

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