
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Change from the Inside Out

When God spoke to the Old Testament governor of Persia, Zerubbabel, about the important task of rebuilding the temple, He told him, “The people should not think that small beginnings are unimportant” (Zechariah 4: 10, NCV). 

In listening and inner healing prayer, it’s as though God is rebuilding His people into a beautiful temple for His Spirit to dwell in. Even the seemingly slowest and smallest steps in our inner healing are hugely important. Over time Your Wonderful Counselor can and will do an amazing work deep within you.

In the Gospels, Jesus was fond of saying, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19: 26; see also Mark 10: 27; Luke 18: 27). Or as Paul declared in his book to the Romans: “Fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out” (12: 2, MSG).

This post was adapted from Rustenbach, Rusty (2011-09-22). “A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer: Meeting God in the Broken Places,“ P 142. NavPress / Tyndale House Publishing.

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