
Friday, November 11, 2016


Psalm 105 begins by encouraging us to Tell other people about the things God has done. To sing songs of praise to Him, tell stories of all His miracles, and revel in His holy name.  Why is this important? It’s important because we need to reminded that He keeps His covenant promises forever and remembers the word He spoke to a thousand generations (Psalm 105:9).

Here’s something the Three-in-One did inside of me as I listened to Him on the first day of this month (November 2016). He communicated, You are My son. I am for you and not against you … as I did for David in the Psalms … so I will carry you … and your family. Do not harden your heart and keep your eyes on Me.

Then He bought the song “I Look to You” from YouTube to me: I look to You … when the levies are broken, my walls have come crumbling down on me. Click on the image below to watch and listen to this moving song.

"I Look to You"

If clicking on the image does not work on your computer, try doing a search for "I look to you by Selah - lyrics - edited."

Take a few minutes to listen to God and ask, What is it that You want to communicate with me today?

We'd love to hear what God is communicating with you. Tell other people about the things God is saying and doing down deep inside of you. Share your story by dropping us an email at

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