
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Finding Newness of Life in the New Year

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I just found your site today. I did healing prayer for the first time back in 2011 during a sabbatical. It was like a dam broke and God's love for me just flooded in. Ever since that day I have been convinced of His love for me, not because he has to because I'm a pathetic sinner, but just because He does. Now I no longer hope He loves me, but I know it. I am living my Christian life from a different place than before and I feel so secure and confident, not in myself,  but in the reality of my relationship with Christ. It has taken me to a deeper level of conviction from what I know is true to what I have experienced and believe deep down is true. God is love and He loves me! 
~ June Sparks ~
Thanks for sharing your story, June!

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