
Friday, November 24, 2017


My heart has heard You say, “Come and talk with Me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” Psa. 27:8 NLT
It may be helpful to view a time alone where one listens to God in hopes of experiencing inner healing as a two-way conversation with Jesus. In this conversation, the person would ask God a number of specific questions. After listening, it is important and helpful to jot down the impressions that come your way. 
God is faithful to communicate with us through the impressions He brings to our hearts. God’s communication may be in the form of thoughts that come into the mind, words, pictures, emotions, ideas, or other means. 
Sometimes the things that come to us when we seek to listen to God do not seem to answer the question that we asked. This is okay. It will be helpful to jot down the impressions that come even when they do not initially seem to make much sense. 
Many of the conversations that people had with Jesus in the gospels were often not very linear. A person would ask a question and Jesus would often seem not to answer it. He knows where things need to go and so we seek to trust in Him with all of our hearts.  
It will also be helpful to relax and not to put yourself under pressure. Listening prayer directed at inner healing is not about forcing yourself to come up with something or analyzing everything that has ever happened to you. Instead, it is a time of relaxing from self-effort, focusing in stillness on God, and allowing Him to gently communicate with you. It is something that God must do and so there is no pressure to perform or invent things. No one is on trial, we don’t have to make the process work. Ask God to calm any anxiety or preoccupation. 
The "Inner Healing Guidelines" can be printed on card stock paper as a bookmark you can keep in your Bible or Quiet Time notebook.  If you'd like to seek Inner Healing in a time alone with God, set aside an hour and a half to two hours in a quiet place where you wont be disturbed. Turn off your cell phone so you won't be interrupted. 
In seeking inner healing, another possibility would be for two people to set aside 90 minutes to meet in a quiet place. One person could facilitate the inner healing process while the other person is the one receiving inner healing ministry.  
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3 NIV
For a more detailed explanation of this ministry in a time alone with God, or with the help of a facilitator, the book A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer: Meeting God in the Broken Places (2011 NavPress - Tyndale House) was written and designed to be helpful tool. The book is available from, NavPress, Tyndale House or can be ordered from this blog.


  1. Nice to hear from you again on your blog! Hope all is well.


  2. Did not realize your book had a study guide. Thank you Rusty!! Good to see your blog up again.

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