

If you, your ministry, church, or city would like to host a Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer Training Seminar (Meeting God in the Broken Places), please send us an exploratory email to


Upcoming Events: 

  • Currently, we do not have another event planned. Usually seminars come about when we are invited to do one by a church or person. If you'd like to explore having a seminar in your city / church / or other facility, drop us a note at so that we can begin a dialogue.


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  3. Replies
    1. The definition of forum is "a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged." The Listening to God Forum does offer the opportunity to exchange ideas and views focused on the area of listening to God which some call Listening Prayer.

  4. Replies
    1. Email is a somewhat impersonal form of dialogue. Skype or Facetime are two better ways to dialogue because we can see one another as we communicate. Face to Face is the best.

  5. Hi Rusty, My name is Paul Haroutunian and I just happened across your website, as I was looking up the book God Guides. I was involved in the Navs from 1978 to 1982 in Davis, and Berkeley. Went to some training programs. You may have known my brother Greg from a training program. Anyways just wanted to say Hi, and am very interesting in Listening Prayer. Blessings, Paul

  6. my email Rusty is for Paul Haroutunian

  7. I am interested in participating in a training seminar. God is clearly calling me into the space of inner-healing prayer for the people I serve. Despite my lack of training, God is showing up and speaking into the hearts of people I am praying with. I am in awe of Him. It is all Him. But I do want to learn more and get some in-person training so that I can develop this part of what God is calling me to. I am in Colorado -- Is there a way I can find out about any trainings being offered near me?
