

    These musical storyboards and video presentations tell engaging stories that will minister to the deepest part of the heart (Psalm 51:6 says this is something that God delights in). These videos will help you in your personal healing and development. They are useful in teaching and training others one-on-one, and in small and large groups. If you are leading a study using A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer, you can chose one of these presentations to show during your weekly one-on-one or group sharing time.

    Posted on April 26, 2015:
    • Seek My Face (Psalm 27:8-9 "When You said, 'Seek My face,' my heart said to You, 'Your face, O Lord, I shall seek.' Do not hide Your face from me ...'" Proverbs 25:2 "It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out." A unique worship pursuit by Misty Edwards)
     "I/O Ministry" is an approach to getting help that is focused on transforming you from the "inside out." It is also a way of helping or discipling other people. These ministries will help take the gospel to the innermost part of the heart. Take a look at the below bulleted presentation to introduce you to "Discipleship or Ministry from the Inside Out."
    Special Presentations Made for Use in Other Countries



      1. I especially recommend familiarizing yourself with:

        "Discipleship from the Inside Out - New January 19, 2012"

        as well as the 9 presentations listen under this heading. I believe you will find them extremely relevant and useful in working with today's people. These presentations are downloadable and extremely well done.

      2. Dievas galingai veikia per savo tarnus,Jam slove ir garbe

        Jolanta Puckuviene

      3. Thanks Jolanta for your comment. May God richly bless you
