
Saturday, August 13, 2011


What are people saying about the book? 

Here’s one person's experience. If you’ve read the book, take the time to post your comment.

“So I just had to write and send you a big thank you!  When I was out in Colorado Springs at the start of the summer a friend suggested I get a copy of the new book you wrote for NavPress … so when I went into the office I was able to get a field test version of A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayerand since then I've been using it almost daily.  
     We are at a summer training program with over a hundred students and so many of them are struggling with deep issues.  Just wanted to let you know your book has been a tremendous help!  Now other staff are chomping at the bit to buy a copy - honest, if it was already printed I'd be buying a case just for this summer!  This is such a gift to those of us in collegiate ministries.  Thank you so much for the time you put into writing this book.
     What you've written is really helping to make 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 possible (“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”) And as those strongholds are being exposed it's sobering - I'm realizing the truth of the gospel, especially about the sinfulness of man, more than ever before - but is it ever beautiful as they are being demolished to see how people are finding freedom.
     Thanks for making this blessing pass-on-able!  What you've done really is helping to advance the gospel of Jesus and His kingdom in lives here at this program!”

From Debbie Entsminger: "I've been forgiven much so I love Jesus much!!! I'm a full time volunteer with The Navigators helping my husband in his role as the Collegiate Regional Leader for Florida."



  1. My wife and I are undergoing a 3 month internship with the People Resources Team. Our objective is to learn the art of Discipleship from the Inside Out, focusing on Inner healing and relationship healing. How glad was I when I saw a few draft chapters of the booking on our common table. Rusty told me I could have them telling me that he accidentially pressed a botton, then came the extra chapters. I started reading until I finished all the 5 chapters available. The few chapters were so practical and helpful to me that I requested for the whole book! As I read the whole book, I was able to apply the principles to facilitate a healing prayer, it works wonders!
    I strongly recommend all interested in the healing ministry to read this wonderful book. One strength of the book is: The author includes many practical personal experience. It make the book interesting and easy reading. It is not a book with theories, but practical guidelines.
    I want to thank Rusty for writing the book and the PRT team for their support. When I was reading the book in my office, it is interesting to see the author walked by in a few occasions and I was able to catch him for any questions. He is so helpful and answered all my queries! May all those who will the book get as much blessing as I did. God bless.

    From Hui Ming Wee, Taiwan Navigators

  2. Going through a draft of the book with Rusty by phone was powerful! Even if not face to face, dealing with deeper issues with him at a distance has been very encouraging and healing for me. I am experiencing freedom and new joy in unexpected and much needed ways both in my inner man and in serving others 'below the waterline'. Get this book, devour it, and expect God to use it in your life more strongly than you might imagine.

    Lee Twombly, Navigator Field Staff

  3. I love this book! Thank you Rusty for writing this in such a usable form, taking people step by step to Jesus. I have been using this book over skype with a woman in East Asia and it is awesome. We use it to guide our conversations, prayer etc. My husband is using it on skype also with man in Europe. God has really met him and brought truth and feeling through it.
    This summer my niece asked how she could 2 of her friends learn to listen to the Lord. So we are ordering the books for them and they will meet, seeking Jesus. I'm thankful to have this resource!

  4. Rusty, thanks so much for allowing us to field-test your book during this winter and spring in our women’s Bible study. The nine of us had such great experiences learning to listen and hear God speak. Women commented on the depth of fellowship we had and the freedom to share very personally. God deeply touched my heart, opening it more to Him and to others as He brought healing to some very deep wounds.

    Something happened that I haven’t experienced in this way before. After we finished the book the group wanted to continue to have monthly get-togethers so we can continue to learn and encourage one another in this process. Tomorrow we have our third “reunion”.

    Another unique experience for our group; in February I was diagnosed with breast cancer. A few weeks later another women in the group received a diagnosis of cancer a bit more advanced than mine. Then just last week a third women was diagnosed with a more aggressive cancer. Each of us is experiencing a peace throughout our experience that can only be explained by God’s presence. We have a special bond as we meet and pray together tomorrow.
    We’ve been so blessed by our study in the book and the fellowship that’s come as we have shared. God is touching our hearts deeply. Thanks so much, Rusty! May God bring healing to many, many hearts as the book goes out.

    NavStaff from the great state of Washington

  5. Denise M. commented:

    When I met the first time with Sally, Rusty's colleague, for Listening & Inner Healing Prayer, I had no idea how profoundly God would manifest Himself and impact my life. I experienced His Presence and heard His voice like never before. I will never be the same. Deep wounds were healed as He touched and transformed my heart.
    Now I am so thankful that Rusty has written this book. He has distilled what he has learned as a personal listener and a perceptive facilitator of listening and put it into a practical study guide format that makes the practice of listening prayer accessible for individual use. Lesson by lesson, he systematically develops the concepts of meeting with God through listening, in clear and simple narrative. The personal stories and warm encouragement activate one's faith and desire to take the simple steps to hear from the Lord.

    I have had a transforming journey with God as I have gone through this guide as part of a "field test study" and now I am seeing the fruit multiplied as I lead a "field test" study group. I sense that God will dramatically use this book when it hits the shelves, helping to fulfill the Great Commission, teaching disciples that "God is with us."

  6. I have been going thru the book by skype with a missionary in France since last winter. We discuss 2 chapters at a time and each and every time, he has been hearing great truths from the Lord. God has revealed past wounds and why they have shaped him into the person he is today. He is heaing the Lord regularly and in new ways and is being transformed. It is really cool to hear him share. I have been using the leaders guide as well. I type out the questions from the guide that I want to use and that fits our one on one discussion. As we are sharing by skype, I take notes on his comments and then reread them before our next session, to remind me to follow up on what he is growing in. Pretty cool! Good stuff!
