
Sunday, August 7, 2011


Would love to know your response to this video...drop a comment below.


  1. Love this video, Rusty. Thanks for sharing it. I'm excited about your new blog and your new book. Can't wait to see where God takes it and how He will bring healing and hope to His kingdom through you!

  2. Thank you for this timely video and for creating this blog, Rusty. I look forward to hearing how God is going to use this for His glory to bring healing and peace to many. I look forward to reading your book as well.

  3. Great video. God bless you and your ministry. Really, we are all such broken people, but some more than others. I spent 20 years of my career (counseleing adults) working with extremely broken people who were not functioning well. Working in an educational setting, I was limited on what I could share with them about the true answers to life through Jesus, but I felt like I did point them in that direction as much as I could. Most were so hopeless when I first met with them but left my office with "hope" in one way or another... some a little and some alot. There were many times that I stepped beyond my Job Duties and restrictions to tell them about my personal relationship with Jesus and how he has given me forgiveness, peace and a hope for the future. I would love to read your book.

  4. God bless you and this piece of your ministry.
    The Lord has made His presence known to me in marvelous ways through the ministry of Listening and Inner Healing prayer. It has made a huge difference in my life, and I am glad to have this forum to keep growing. This will be a blessing I'll share with many.

  5. Good job, Rusty! Can't wait to see and hear what God will do through it.
