
Sunday, November 11, 2012


"Sensing my neediness and craving for greater, deeper closeness, I long to hear Your still, small voice this morning. I thirst for You – to have You gently whisper across the chords of my heart igniting me within. What is your communication for me today? I wait for You in silence.

I see the bright sunlight in the trees outside of my window and sense You saying: 'I am the True Light that enlightens you within, My son. My Light shines into you dispelling the darkness and enlivening, rejuvenating, invigorating, renewing, and reviving you in your inmost part.'"

Thank You for touching me deeply and profoundly. Hebrews 4:15 comes to mind: "I am touched with the feeling of your infirmities, My son. I saw your great joy as you listened to Me in the park last weekend. I saw you struggling with emptiness two nights ago and yesterday. I know you deeply and I really get you. I fully know you, am for you, and will never abandon you as others have. You are engraved on the very palms of My hands and I carry you in My heart. You are Mine and I am yours."

Yes Lord, You are my all-in-all. You have fathered me in wonderful ways. You called me to Yourself before I was in my mother’s womb … before the foundations of the world. You created me to belong to You and to be used of You in helping others to hear Your voice, to receive healing in their areas of brokenness, and to grow in closeness with You. Such knowledge is too wonderful to fully attain – but You are making it possible to grasp the ungraspable!

“Soak Me in My son – treasure My words in your heart. I am HE – the Very First and the Last – I am the Alpha and the Omega. I made all that You see by speaking it into existence and there is nothing too difficult for Me. Yes, I am HE! I am the Only One. Beside Me there is no other. Enter into My Rest. Rest from all self-effort. Your relationship with Me never depended on you – I did it all! And I will continue to do it all. I will never-ever leave you, nor will I ever forsake you. You are Mine – My very own possession made faultless before the presence of My exceedingly great glory.”

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