
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Post # 60 – CAPTURED

God does not observe our lives at a cool and disinterested distance. He is neither apathetic nor detached.

Our God is not patiently standing by and waiting for us to offer love; He is actively and vigorously pursuing us… He is the father running down the trail to embrace the prodigal son even before the boy can speak his act of contrition. He is the mad farmer showering a full day's wage on men who hadn't even worked. He is Jesus forgiving the sinful woman even before she spoke her sorrow. He is the king lavishing a banquet on beggars. These are all symbols of a God whose love for us is so active, so strong, that by human standards He would be, at least, said to be mad. –Andrew Greeley

In a day when it's fashionable to appear cool, bored, uncaring, and detached, we can't afford to doubt the enthusiastic, all-encompassing love of God. His compelling love surrounds us every minute. He's in front of us, behind us, relentlessly pouring His love into our lives. What madness! What a passion for our souls! How can we be halfhearted toward our circumstances—towards others--when He loves us so?
Taken from God Pursues Us, Do We Notice?

The following soaking worship song by Kimberly and Alberto Rivera vividly portrays how the Creator of the universe is captured by ordinary people like you and me. I suggest reserving the viewing and listening to this video/song at a time and in a place where you won’t be disturbed. To get the most out of this worship experience use a set of headphones or earbuds and ask God to speak to you.  May you encounter God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in a fresh way and be renewed by His presence.


  1. This truly spoke to me.

  2. I'm glad spoke to you through this post and the "Captured" song. On the way into the office this morning, they played "You Make the Most of Me" on Christian radio. I thought it was a good complement to "Captured." Check it out:

