
Wednesday, November 21, 2012


During the summer months I received an email from Anastasia Macdonald, a woman who resides in the United Kingdom. She downloaded a Kindle electronic copy of A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer to her computer.

She wrote me because she felt stuck and wanted help. We used Google Chat to talk and listen to God a couple times a month during most the summer. A month or so ago she discovered that journaling her feelings and asking God questions on paper, then writing and drawing what came to her opened the floodgates for a new and incredible intimacy with her Abba Father.

Yesterday she sent me a Psalm of Thanksgiving.  I asked her permission to share it with you.

By Anastasia Macdonald

"You are worthy to be praised!
You are worthy of honour!
You are worthy of shouts, shouts to the end of the earth!
You are worthy of dance and jubilation!
Fervent dance and jubilation and quiet admiration!
Silent admiration!

Oh that we would praise You fervently!
And in solemn worship!
Let your name be praised this early morning!
Let earth reckon with You today, Abba Father!

Beautiful One!
Lovely One!
Faithful One!
Let Your name be exalted in all the earth
In all creation!

Your Majesty!
I bow down in worship before You this morning!
You are my Abba Father and yet You are Mighty!
You are my Abba Father and yet You are Wonderful!
You are my Abba Father and yet Majestic!

Abba Father, be praised for who You are !
God of heavens and earth!
Abba Father, be praised for who You are!
Creator of all mankind!
Abba Father, be praised for who You are!
Master of the universe and everything that dwells within!
Abba Father, be magnified for who You are!   
The One who sustains everything by the power of His Word!
Abba Father, be glorified in all the earth!
Let Your kingdom come and let your will be done!
Here on earth as it is in heaven!"

Thanking God in song:

For those of you from the USA, may you a special thanksgiving celebration. For friends from the more than 60 countries who visit this forum, as Psalm 92:1 says:  "It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord."

If you would like to add a comment, something you are thankful for, or share a story please click here and I'll add it to the comments section. Gratefully, Rusty

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