
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Post # 62 - DESIGNED by and for DIVINE DESTINY

"Before you were born, I knew you,"  Jeremiah spoke truly. Let these words settle into your heart because they are faithful, true and trustworthy.

Before you were born, God fully knew you. You were in His mind and heart before He spoke you into existence and being.

And now that God made you into a living being, you are here, in your own body clothes, with your own particular design, with you’re own unique experiences, likes and dislikes. God knows you – intimately – just as surely as He knew you prior to your birth. And just like Jeremiah, you were not an accident. In fact, He created you with a special destiny to fulfill during your years on earth.”

God, “I’m an open book to You; even from a distance, You know what I’m thinking. You know when I leave and when I get back; I’m never out of Your sight. You know everything I’m going to say before I start the first sentence. I look behind me and You’re there, then up ahead and You’re there, too — Your reassuring presence, coming and going. This is too much, too wonderful — I can’t take it all in!” Psalm 139:2-6 MSG

Oh Loving, nurturing, Abba Father … I yearn to be deeply intimate with You … You in me and I in You – perfectly joined together in Spirit, Truth, heart, vision and purpose. I yearn to know You as You truly are in all of Your fullness. Help me to hear Your voice clearly and profoundly this morning and throughout the day … I desperately need You … to experience the fullness of Your radiant glory! I long to see into the Unseen Real … to see Your glory, … and to bear witness to Your holy angels. I want to soak my heart, mind and being with You, Your Word, and Your presence – to become more and more like You … nothing else will do.

Words can never adequately express what it’s like when He says your name and calls you in a personal, life-changing way. When this happens, it will cause you to overflow with love, praise, and wonder like Kim Walker does in the following video song.

I’ve raised you up from the trash heap to experience My fullness and to be a one I use in the healing of My precious people as in 1 Samuel 2:8-9. This is my high calling for you and the reason I created you. You are My son and My pleasure rests on you … so fly high, long, and sensitively because I am the wind beneath your wings.

Are you habitually listening to the voice of Jesus? As you listen to Him, He will call you forth much as He called Jeremiah, Hannah, Paul, and Mary Magdalene. As you become intimate with the Almighty One who knows you thoroughly, over time He will reveal the special destiny He created and called you to take part in.

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