
Sunday, December 2, 2012


Additional information is at your fingertips by clicking on the text in blue.

I'm asking for your help to move this ministry forward into 2013. 

Have you experienced listening and inner-healing prayer for yourself? If so, you’re well aware of the need for this ministry throughout the USA and across the entire globe. This unique blend of inner healing, spiritual warfare , and heart-focused discipleship is crucial to help people of every nationality experience God’s Truth in their innermost being. People everywhere yearn to be set free from the baggage of the past and be transformed from the inside out to be more and more like Jesus and experience:
·      Deeper intimacy with God our True Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
·      More genuine connection in relating to others (spouses, children, family, and friends).
·      Enhanced ability to be more effective in reaching and discipling the emerging generations.
·      Multiplication of disciples who will take the Gospel to the uttermost parts of our planet as described in Matthew 28:19-20.
I need your help. 2012 is quickly coming to an end. Aside from the $100 a month from book sale royalties, the ministry God has given me is fully funded by gifts from people like you. Would you give a one-time gift as a partner to all  God has on His heart as we move into 2013.
The need is to raise $14,500 to fully fund this work. This includes:
Rusty (Carlos) with Charly in Santiago, Chile
  •       Traveling up to 20% of the time to train national laborers in Latin America in discipleship from the inside out. The goal is to empower local workers in Mexico, Central and South America in areas such as relational healing (conflict resolution is a big need), helping people get free from Internet pornography and addiction (the #1 problem for laborers in today’s world), and inner healing to deal with hurts and wounds from the past. In 2013 two trips are in the mix to Costa Rica and Merida, Mexico to conduct training in relational healing. Others will be made as requested. The need is $3,500 to cover travel expenses.
  •       Continuing to minister to missionaries and their families from around the world in my day-to-day work with the People Resources Team.
  •       Salary expenses. I am a missionary and my salary comes from God through the gifts of His people. My wife and I lack just over $900 in monthly support to reach our budgeted take home salary of $3,500. Over 12 months = $10,800.
All gifts are tax-deductible and a receipt will be sent to you by The Navigators. Gifts of all sizes are needed – $50, $100, $250, $500, and $1,000. Please click on the button to the right to donate online or by phone (Name or staff ID is "Rusty Rustenbach").
Or you can send your check payable to “The Navigators” to:
              Rusty Rustenbach
          The Navigators PRT
          3820 North 30th Street
          Colorado Springs, CO 80904

Many thanks for taking this need before His incredible Throne of amazing grace and responding as He leads you!

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