
Sunday, March 24, 2013


Last week you read about a home study that Jennifer is leading for young moms using A Guide for Listening and Inner Healing Prayer. This week we’ll hear from two women in Jennifer’s study: Kim and Tracy.

“Inner healing prayer is a tool that has completely saved my spiritual walk. I have loved letting the Lord tell me who I am and it's been amazing having Him heal me of so much baggage that I have been holding onto for years.  Everything has benefited; my marriage, my kids, my health.  I want everyone I come in contact with to go through this same experience. It's a hard journey, laying everything out before the Lord and having Him strip you of what you thought you were, only to have HIM show you who He has made you to be!”
- Kim

“I am in a group of six ladies going through the Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer book.  We are all in our mid-30's, moms, wives, and have all been walking with the Lord for many years.  We all come to the group with different pasts, different areas of hurts, but united in the fact that we are desperate to hear and be healed by the Lord; longing to live the abundant life and to be used by our God. This book has been a powerful tool to bring us together, give us guidance, and encourage us to keep going. It has raised issues of possible hindrances that may be keeping us from hearing from God. It has exposed different lies and tactics of the enemy, to help shine light on his schemes that keep us in bondage. We have experienced the one-on-one healing with sweet times of spending time with Him alone, and we have also experienced the power that comes when we do this study with trusted others. The book is not difficult to read and yet full of wisdom and insight. God has brought our group to a place where we're asking ourselves what are we doing; are these defense mechanisms, these default patterns that keep us bound up in fear or stuck in anger, is this really what I was redeemed for?  And He is slowly, by His grace, speaking to us His truth that He's got so much more for us. 
Truly blessed by this study!
- Tracy

Are you taking part in an inner-healing prayer home study group using A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer? If so, let others in the Forum know what your experience has been like. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17. If you can't get the comment option to work for you, please leave your comment at:


  1. Rusty, I wanted to share something of my experience going through this book with another brother. It has really helped me invite God into many old and broken parts of my soul that I've not been very good about dealing with. Practically speaking, I feel much more peaceful and less full of anger than when I started through it. The Lord is using your book to invite me into a fuller experience of his grace through healing, conversational prayer. Thank you!!

  2. Thanks Scott for sharing your journey into a fuller experience of grace through healing conversational prayer. "Oh! May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing live, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!" Romans 15:13 in the Message.

  3. I really like the idea of getting rid of baggage or as stated above "heal me of so much baggage." We all have it and it is so hard to get rid of! Many times we don't even know we have, it but we do. What God has shown you, Rusty, really makes a difference! It has in my life too. Even when we don't know we have baggage, I think just feeling stuck in our Christian walk is a an indication that there is some there deep down that needs God's light and truth to reveal. Thanks Rusty for writing this all down as God has shown you over the years!


  4. Thanks KTJ for weighing in on the need we have to get free from the baggage we collected while growing up. I had lots of help from the pastoral care team I work with in learning about inner healing and later writing it all down. It brings our team and me great joy to see how Jesus is using all of this for His glory in completing the mission He announced from Isaiah 61 in Luke 4:18.
