
Sunday, March 17, 2013


Group studies of A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer are springing up across America and around the world. If you’re working through the book, we’d love to hear your story. Below is an introduction to the group of young mothers Jennifer is leading.

"I am blessed to facilitate a small group of women using A Guide For Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer. We're about halfway through the book and God is doing amazing things. Our hearts were primed by an audio series given by Jamie and Donna Winship that helped us delve deeper into areas of bondage and allow God to set us free. Our vision is to become who God created us to be - our true identity in Christ! 

Rusty’s book has been a gentle guide through the harsh landscape of our wounds, fears and lies. In the safety of the group, Jesus is healing us from anger, unforgiveness, anxiety, depression, self-hatred, food addictions, health issues, etc. It's helpful to have a book like this that we can use individually, but also generates good discussion.  What one-person shares often triggers a light bulb for someone else. Being able to confess and pray for each other is key (James 5:16). It's beautiful to see how God weaves our healing journeys together.

Practically speaking, it's challenging for a group of young moms to carve out 60-90 minutes of alone time per week. So we meet every other week and read/pray whenever possible. I've had major "a-ha" moments in the shower or driving in the car. At the same time, we are learning how to be purposeful in prayer and guard against the strategies of Satan. 

Inner-healing prayer is strongly opposed by the enemy and sometimes it feels like two steps forward, one step back. But we are making progress! As the facilitator, I am constantly praying for each person in the group.  If someone misses a meeting, I try to catch up with them by meeting one-to-one. But it's all good because the struggles that come up in everyday life are part of God identifying areas that need healing. His timing is perfect! 

We haven't reached Section Three yet on facilitating this ministry with others, but my hope is that after receiving healing, we will be sent out in Jesus' anointing to bind up the brokenhearted and set the captives free. 


What’s it like to be in a inner healing prayer group? In the next few weeks, we’ll hear from the young mom’s who meet with Jennifer: Kim, Tracy, Sherri and Christy.

Thinking of leading a group? Download the free Leader's Guide by clicking here


  1. Hi Rusty,
    Since you desire to hear about other groups working through your book I thought I would comment. My wife and I are leading a small group of about 16 of us through the book. We all attend the same church in Lynchburg, VA. We are slowly working through the book and are already seeing God work in folks lives. I hope to birth a prayer team for our church out of this group that will minister to the body as a whole. Blessings, Ron Beverly

  2. Ron, thanks for letting me and other bloggers know of the IHP study you and your wife are leading in Lynchburg. I like your vision of birthing a prayer team within your church. May He multiply the mission of the Messiah (His mission) through you in Lynchburg. Send me more info through my email so I can intercede for this exciting intiative.
