
Sunday, March 31, 2013


Over the last two weeks we’ve read about the home study that Jennifer is leading for young moms using A Guide for Listening and Inner-HealingPrayer. Last week we heard from Kim and Tracy. This week we’ll conclude by hearing the story of Christy and Sherri.

I knew it was going to be an exciting adventure when I was asked to be a part of a small group study using A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer. God already had me on a sweet journey with Him to heal the broken places in my heart through the discipline of listening prayer. But one exciting aspect that I hadn't thought about or expected that came through being in Jennifer’s group has been in my role as Mom to my kids. This study has impressed me to be more intentional and thoughtful in my relationship and communications with my children.  I have learned that my everyday words and actions have the potential to make a life-altering impact on their young hearts and lives. It’s in my power to choose whether my words will be an encouragement or discouragement, an opportunity to build them up or tear them down. I’m so grateful for the things I’m learning in the study that are helping me walk in the light of His Truth.
     ----  Christy 

God used this study to uncover what happened deep inside me in the midst of past hurtful events. Part of me would have rather not looked at my past. However, the study enticed me to face things I didn’t want to even admit to. God was so gentle and exposed some lies I had believed and liberated me.

I was completely unaware of how deeply the unhealed parts of my heart were impacting me as an adult. I’d resigned myself to living with my baggage and thought things would never really change. BUT GOD!!!  He started to gently shine His light deep within me and showed me His truth to replace the harmful lies that had become such a part of me. 

PRAISE JESUS, who died so that I could live in freedom. I was like a slave who was carrying a very heavy burden. Once I handed my burden to Jesus, He took it.  I’m so thankful for My amazing God and how He didn’t leave me in the muck! 
     ---- Sherri

Are you taking part in an inner-healing prayer home study group using A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer? Other bloggers would love to hear your story. If you can't get the comment option to work for you, please leave your comment at:

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