
Sunday, April 7, 2013


(From an email sent by Thobe (former PRT intern) and Dimpho. These two members of the Africa Staff Care Team were trained by a PRT initiative led by Larry and Laura Hardie).
I trust you all had great Easters! Dimpho and I had a wonderful time with the ladies in Lusaka, Zambia. Thank you so much for upholding us all in prayer. About 70 women from South Africa, Malawi, Angola and other areas of Zambia outside of Lusaka attended this conference. The attendees from Malawi and Angola drove a total of 2 days to get to the seminar and faced some difficulties at the border crossing, but eventually made it safely to Lusaka.
At the start of the conference the ladies shared their hopes of experiencing freedom, healing, comfort, restoration, refreshing and peace as a result of the time we would spend with God at the seminar. Well, God being the Faithful One that He is: showed up and ministered to them in a special way. He spoke in memories, pictures, through creation, worship songs and His Word. Some of the ladies reported that they were not even aware of some of the pain and the hurts they had been carrying around, and felt that God was speaking to them about those hurts. For most people in attendance, this conference was the beginning of their journeys’ towards wholeness. Some of the ladies indicated that they would like to receive more healing prayer and become facilitators of healing prayer for others. How exciting! Dimpho and I are very encouraged and look forward to our growth as facilitators.
A special thanks to Rusty and PRT for your generosity in providing all the materials for the seminar until we can create our own resources someday. Be blessed dear friends until we chat or see each other again.
Ephesians 3: 20-21 comes to mind: Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Love to you all,
Thobe on behalf of Dimpho as well.
PS. For additional info on the Colorado Springs Seminar or to register please click here

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1 comment:

  1. I just got an email from one of the other women who received inner-healing prayer training from Uganda:

    Dear Friends,

    It's another Ladies Seminar! This time in Nairobi, Kenya on Saturday, the 20th of April, 2013; with the Theme "BEAUTY FOR ASHES". The focus will be Inner Healing: We are planning on starting with Listening Prayer to be followed by Emotional Healing.

    Nick, Rhoda and I are available to facilitate. We think one day is too short to go through it all and so are planning to have another day to continue, hopefully within a month from the 20th.

    Would you please join us pray:
    1. The Lord Himself would meet with every woman that attends.
    2. Each Woman will hear Him speak to her personally in the areas of wounding that matter to her.
    3. Hidden issues and pains would be surfaced.
    4. Healing and Restoration promised in Isaiah 61(fulfilled in Jesus Luke 4:16-21) would be experienced by all. BEAUTY FOR ASHES for every attendee.
    5. Good attendance, good weather (It's been raining a lot and small groups and personal times may need to be outside), power supply, time keeping and management, and any conditions that need to be in place for the success of this seminar.
    6. Pray for us as we prepare, what to include in this first day, and the filling and empowering of the Holy Spirit and for the Spirit of harmony and team work.
    7. That we find a good date to continue the seminar that will be suitable for the ladies to attend and also for us.
    8. That the impact of this seminar will go beyond those who attend.
    9. For God to raise other facilitators out of this seminar.

    Thanks for joining us in this seminar through your prayers.
