
Sunday, July 7, 2013


Jesus, You are the One who works in ways that no other person or circumstance can prevent or accomplish. The race is not to the strong, the wise, or to the swift … it is You God who shows mercy and accomplishes exceedingly abundant things by sheer grace. You, oh Lord, confound the wisdom of the wise. You turn to nothing the great strength of the strong. We cannot earn our way with You. Yes Lord, You work in accord with the greatness of Your unfailing love doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves … You are truly amazing
Out of the depths of poverty of spirit I cry out to You and ask You to be doing things today in and through my life … and the lives of those I spend time with … that are consistent who You are … miraculous works of unfailing love , mercy, and grace in the hearts of Your broken people. Bring glory to Yourself today and allow me the high privilege of being astonished by You, overwhelmed by Your kindness, and amazed by the lavish nature of Your grace … that I would know beyond a shadow of doubt that You visited the context of my humdrum life on the planet as a demonstration that it is not dependent on him who wills, neither by means of him who runs, but on the hand of God who shows mercy.

This is my prayer today, Lord Jesus - amen.

For additional inspiration, click on the words in blue or purple within the above prayer .

Worship: You Are God Alone  
(To play, click on image below)

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  1. Thank you! I really needed that today!

  2. Everything comes back to the constant, ever present amazing God and his character. Always.
