
Sunday, July 14, 2013


I am here again this morning waiting for You in the tranquility of Your presence. You are my hiding place, my refuge from the pressures and dysfunctions of this fallen world. Lord Jesus, I want to hear from You again this morning. Would You be pleased to communicate with me out of Your abundant tender mercies? I need You every hour … to experience Your closeness and to enjoy the incredible beauty of who You truly are. 

Come, Lord Jesus, come. Empower me to come fully present to You … Your nearness is my good! Remove any and all distractions – in the powerful name of the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth I command all of the other voices, influences, and spirits to be silent and not interfere with this time of communion with You. This includes the devil and his angels, the voice of the world, my flesh, my own understanding and the skepticism of my rational mind. Come as my Three-in-One – oh Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and minister to me in the deepest part of my being. I need You – no one else will do. Search my heart as well and bring up anything hidden there that needs Your healing touch. Help me to wait in silence for You and You alone. I wait – what do You have for me this morning?

I dwell in a high and holy place, but also with the humble and contrite of spirit in order to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite. I indwell you, My son, and revive your spirit and heart as you seek Me as you’re doing today. It pleases Me to reside in your innermost part!

Father God, I’m so glad You called me to Yourself and that I belong to You … and that You don’t leave me or forsake me when I fail to be faithful. Your unfailing love is truly amazing! Is there something additional You’d like to say or do in me this morning my Jesus? I wait on You.

He who believes on Me as the Scriptures say, out of his innermost being will flow the rivers of living water of My Spirit. I am flowing deep within you My son and I will never leave you nor forsake you. You are Mine – you belong to Me. Never forget this truth. I have purchased you with My own blood and claimed you as My own. Your name and true identity is ‘Belonging to God.’

Jesus, I feel so privileged to belong. It’s something I didn’t experience in my core for most of my life. In fact, I often felt a lack of belongingness … like I was unwanted, uncared for, and often a bother to others. Underneath it all, even though I didn’t fully realize it, I had a deep longing and hunger to belong. I sought this in relationships with others and would find an element of it at times, but it seemed like the people in my life would always let me down. Now I realize that no human being could ever fully meet my need to belong because the longing to belong is really a longing for You.

Never again will you be called ‘Abandoned’ or ‘Desolate.’ Your new name will be the ‘My Delight’ and ‘Married,’ for I, the Lord delight in you and have claimed you as My very own. You are Mine! Remember Me as Your Creator and the One Who is shaping you. See, you have nothing to fear. I, who made you, will take you back. I have chosen you, named you as My own. You are Mine! You are precious in My sight and I love you!
Watch and listen to this video to experience the truth that you belong to Him
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  1. Thank you for this. "Your name and true identity is 'Belonging to God'"


  2. Your second paragraph about being fully present is something I am working at a lot these days. It's a good reminder that in my own strength I cannot do it, and I need to ask for God's help to quiet my mind and other influences in order to be fully present.

    Thanks! Judy Turnbull

    1. Judy,

      Sometimes I wonder if the greatest gift we can give back to God or to another human being is our full and undivided attention ... our presence

      I wonder if this idea isn't part of what 2 Chronicles 16:9 is saying: "For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His."

      Have you by chance seen the beginning portion of this video about coming fully present to God?

      And I agree that we cannot come fully present to HiM in our strength. It's like we need to be supernaturally transported.

      Laboring to enter into His rest,

  3. Thank you for this deep and heartfelt Prayer! The timing was perfect and your words touched my soul as I needed it praying for some hard things for others this morning. Blessings to you and your ministry. I definitely will be a follower in the future.

  4. Cindy - glad to hear that 'dialoguing with God & belonging' was perfect timing for your prayer for others. Thanks for sharing.

  5. JB - Glad you received this word from the Father.
