
Sunday, July 21, 2013


Listen to my cry oh God and be pleased to answer my prayer. From the very ends of the earth I cry out to You … especially when my heart is fainting and my strength is small as it is this morning. Lead me to the Rock that is higher and more powerful than I. Yes, You have been my place of Refuge and the Strong Tower that I run to protecting me from the fiery attacks of the enemy. Oh, let me live forever in Your Shelter and cover myself under the protection of Your wing.
What additional word do You have for me this morning? Would You be pleased to commune with me this morning? I wait on You.

“I am here with you My son; do not fear! I have you covered under the protection of My amazing grace. I have made a covenant promise to be merciful to you and shower you with My unfailing love.” The words of the song are true: “Nothing can separate, even if I run away, Your love never fails!” And “You make all things work together for my good.” (Watch and listen to “Your Love Never Fails.”)

Your love is amazing … no one has ever loved me like You do. My failures and weaknesses don’t cause You to stop loving and pursuing me. There is none like You, Lord Jesus … no one even comes close. (Watch and listen to “There is None Like You.”)

Yes Lord, “There is none like You. No one else can touch my heart like You do. I could search all eternity long and find ... there is none like You!” I humble myself before You in worship and adoration as my Lord, King, and Savior. Empower me to live in a manner worthy of Your incredible love and calling.

“Trust in Me with the very fiber of Your being. I will not fail you nor forsake you as others have. You have My promise to carry you through both the thick and thin, in sickness and in health, in the good times and also in the difficult ones. I am your Best Friend.”

Yes, my Jesus, You are my very Best Friend. I am amazed that You called me out from the lost and empty life I was living when I was at my very worse moment. But not only that You rescued me, but You’ve allowed me to sit among and minister to the very princes of Your people. I’m truly amazed! (Watch and listen to “I’m Amazed.”)

As the song says; “Yes, it’s true there’ve been days when I failed You. Lord, You know the many times I’ve gone astray. But I’ve learned Your love is stronger than my weakness and Your ear is open every time I pray. No one else has ever cared for me like You, Lord. Other friends can never be as close to me. I’m not afraid to face the problems of tomorrow … knowing You are everything I’ll ever need.”

Thank You Jesus for this special time this morning … for meeting with me and encouraging me with the wonder of who You are. I am so grateful to be loved by You!

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1 comment:

  1. Check out "Strong Tower" by Kutless:

    "When I wander through the desert
    And I'm longing for my home
    All my dreams have gone astray
    When I'm stranded in the valley
    And I'm tired and all alone
    It seams like I've lost my way

    I go running to your mountain
    Where you mercy sets me free

    You are my strong tower
    A shelter over me
    Beautiful and mighty
    Everlasting King
    You are my strong tower
    Fortress when I'm weak
    Your name is true and holy
    And Your face is all I see ..."
