
Sunday, July 28, 2013


Though our hearts are filled with sins, You forgive them all. Psalm 65:3.

It's easy for us as followers of Christ to unwittingly slip into an attitude that we are somehow earning intimacy with God by our good works. We came into relationship with Jesus by faith through pure grace. Somehow we foolishly fall into thinking we can somehow earn deeper connection with the Master by ceasing to sin. Only the pure shed blood of Christ enables us to stand faultless before His glory with exceeding joy.

I was nearly 21 years old when I came know Christ. At conversion, I concluded that I decided to follow Him because, underneath it all, I was actually a spiritual person. About 13 years ago, I was flabbergasted when I sensed Jesus say, “Rusty, you didn’t really choose to follow Me; in reality, I chose you.” Truth is that He chose me before I was even born and destined me to be engaged in the ministry of listening and inner-healing prayer before the foundation of the earth. So any notion that I somehow earned God’s attention because I was a seeker, or that developing deep intimacy with Him is earned by sinning less is utter foolishness.

What joy for those You choose to bring near, those who live in Your holy courts. What joys await us inside Your holy Temple. Psalm 65:4.

According to Psalm 65, the reality is that you and I can be intimate with God because He chose to bring us near. If we had to earn our intimacy with the Lord we’d end up far from Him since even the righteous things we do are like filthy rags before His glorious holiness. If the depth of my intimacy was somehow earned it would lead to pride, arrogance and competition. But if it’s something God does within us by grace through faith, then there is no room for boasting. Instead it’s an occasion for pure joy, amazement, and wonder that the God who created me would also privilege and allow me to experience a deep and satisfying friendship with Him.

The joyful experience of deeply intimate and lavish love is ours as we spend time in His presence worshiping Him in Spirit and Truth

You can take the time to experience this intimacy right now ... or reserve a half hour later in the week to spend quality time with Him practicing His presence and listening. To prepare your heart for a time of listening, let me suggest praying through the Listening to God Guidelines

This Video Worship Presentation Will Help Prepare You for a Time of Listening

Psalm 139:17 & 18a says, How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand!

After praying through the Guidelines, pour out your heart to God. I like to pray like this. Lord Jesus, Your word says that you think about me a whole lot. During this special time would You reveal some of the thoughts you are thinking about me? Then wait on Him. As thoughts or pictures come to you, write them down so you won't forget them. 

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