
Sunday, August 4, 2013


I would like to draw near to You this morning, listen to You, and experience Your renewing and transforming Holy presence afresh … and so I come to You with my ears wide open. I command all the other voices, spirits, and influences to be silenced in the all powerful Name of Jesus of Nazareth and invite You, oh my Three-in-One to come in a very special way to enlighten my inward being and commune with my soul. I need You desperately because aside from You there is nothing that can quench my thirsty soul and satisfy the hunger deep within! Oh, won’t You come in a special way? Be pleased to speak and communicate with me – I yearn for You.

“I reside on a high and holy hill, but also with the humble and contrite of spirit in order to revive them: I Am deep within you flowing like rivers of living water in the very core of your being.”  Be pleased to flow oh River of God and renew this famished and foolish man who sought to quench his thirst with the water of the world last night but was prevented. “It is the SPIRIT alone who gives new life, the flesh cannot give life in the way I do.”
I see the tops of the different trees out the window – one older tree is dark green leaved, another in the neighbors yard is lighter green and fresher looking, another is without leaves and is experiencing death, and there’s an evergreen that looks as if it is not entirely healthy … green on the outside by browning deep within. Then there’s a new aspen in its 3rd year of life that’s about 4 feet tall and growing well – fresh and vital growth

“I am the True Vine – the Source of Real vibrant and everlasting Life. You are a wild branch that,was grafted in over 40 tears ago. Draw your life fully from Me as only I can truly quench your thirst and bring about the good fruit in and through you that you yearn for. Drink from Me – the True Vine – and turn away from all deceitful drinks. Drink freely from Me and Me alone. Do not be deceived by the strange woman drink for she is a harlot – do not partake in her harlotries. She will only take, dissipate, and destroy you and the life I have placed within you. I am your True Drink that will refresh, renew, restore, and revitalize you so that rivers of Living Water will flow deeply within and through you to others.”

Abide fully and wholly in Me and I will give you the inner refreshment you yearn for and need in order to stay green, vibrant, healthy and fruitful through all of a phases of aging. Listen and view the song “You Are” that I gave you through The Katinas over 15 years ago.”  
“YOU ARE” by the Katinas (Click on picture below)

Found in Your hands fullness of joy, every fear suddenly wiped away … here is Your presence. Here in Your presence, I am undone. Here in Your presence heaven and earth become one. Here is Your presence all things are new. Here is Your presence everything bows before You.

“HERE IN YOUR PRESENCE” by New Life Worship

Thank You Jesus for coming in a special way this morning and meeting with me. I sensed Your presence in a very special way, and my heart is filled with You. What a high privilege it is to know You and to be able to enter into True worship in Your holy, holy presence. 

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