
Sunday, August 18, 2013


My people are guilty of two evils: they have abandoned Me, the spring of living waters; and instead, they have settled for dead and stagnant water from cracked, leaky cisterns of their own making. Jeremiah 2:13 (VOICE).

I come to YOU for newness of life. My soul is parched. I feel so dead, dull, and far from You and Your life this morning. Reach into my heart and renew me as only You can. Come Lord Jesus, come!

I pray through the listening to God guidelines and listen. After a long wait these thoughts come into my heart and mind… “Yes, I am He – the high and holy One  who dwells in an unapproachable light, yet due to My sacrifice in your place on My cross, the door is open for you to approach Me and receive from Me.”

“Come to Me with your ears and heart wide open. Listen and I will fill you with good things.” With my eyes closed, I sense a lightness of heart coming over me. “My yoke is easy … My burden is light. Leave the heaviness of your sin, shame and self-hatred at My feet.” Jesus I gather my sin, shame, self-hatred, inner deadness and give them all to You

Would You be pleased to take them from me this morning? After waiting for several minutes, these words come into my heart: “Rise and shine – the light of the Son has shined upon you and is turning and dissolving the darkness within you into light. Receive My light – I am the LIGHT of the world – whoever turns to Me shall no longer be in darkness and will be enshrouded with My light. I am lifting you up from your heaviness, sadness, and hopelessness of heart. I will transform your languishing, tired, and troubled heart into a joyful, light, and cheerful heart … lifting you up to sit with Me in the heavenly places in Christ … the heavenlies – a place of new-found freedom. Whoever I, the Son, sets free will be free indeed.

“Can you taste My Freedom, my son. Oh taste and see that I am truly good and that there is no shadow of darkness in Me. Taste and savor Me … drink Me in. I will truly quench your thirst and feed your hungry heart. You were drinking from polluted wells that only increased your thirst. I am the True Drink who alone can quench your thirst. Drink fully from me and me alone.”

“I am also the True Beauty that you continually seek and yearn for. Hell and destruction are never full, so the eyes of man are never satisfied. Proverbs 27:20. The satisfaction you look for can only be realized by looking to Me with the eyes of your heart. Your physical eyes will never be satisfied or bring you the contentment you yearn for.”  

“As you look to Me with the eyes of your heart and allow Me to enlighten and illuminate your inner being by the transformational power of My spirit … I will quench your thirst with the True beauty of who I am. 
For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, and the hungry soul He has filled with what is good. (Psalm 107:9)  

Lord Jesus, I want to take this opportunity to listen to You. What are You seeking to say to me?

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