

A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer
Meeting God in the Broken Places
 A NavPress book by Rusty Rustenbach
"A groundbreaking book about a neglected facet of the mission of the Messiah" 
Click here for additional book reviews.

“The Spirit of the Almighty Lord is with Me because the Lord has anointed Me to deliver good news to humble people. He has sent Me to heal those who are brokenhearted, to announce that captives will be set free and prisoners will be released. He has sent Me to provide for all those who grieve in Zion, to give them crowns instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of tears of grief, and clothes of praise instead of a spirit of weakness.” Isaiah 61:1 and 3a (GW)

The above quotation is from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah that Jesus read in the synagogue in Nazareth at the very inception of His ministry on earth. 

The deep transformation we yearn for is not a matter of human intellect, willpower, desire, being good enough, earning it, or pleading for it. Though we can place ourselves in a position where God can transform us, it’s as Solomon said in Proverbs 21:31: “The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but victory belongs to the Lord.”

Many people know intellectually who they are in Christ but don’t experience this in their core. The heart’s inability to experience what the head knows is a sure sign of a heart in bondage … and in profound need of the inner-healing ministry of the Messiah!

For many of us, the underlying cause of our head/heart disconnect is the hurts we experienced during our childhood. They induce us to cut ourselves off from our hearts as a type of self-protection. The largely unconscious process goes something like this: Since it hurts so much when I allow myself to feel my emotions or hope for something, it’s safer to deaden my heart and not allow myself to be disappointed. So we end up living primarily in our heads and then wonder why we feel so disconnected from God and the people around us.

Inner healing is about opening up with God in such a way that He can reveal what happened within us and change us from the inside out.

For centuries, the church has neglected the healing of the brokenhearted and setting captives free facet of Jesus’ mission. It is reemerging in this present generation. The author of A Guide for Listening and Inner Healing Prayer draws from decades of experience in international ministry to people from all walks of life. Biblically based, God-centered and highly practical, this book will help you experience God’s healing touch from emotional wounds from your past. It will also equip you, your small group, church, or mission group to extend inner healing to the increasingly wounded people of our generation.

Check out this video to hear about one man's experience with listening and inner-healing prayer.

Read what others are saying about this book that is designed to help you to meet God in your broken places:

Heal the brokenhearted - My sheep hear My voice

     "This is a very clearly written book on how to listen and hear from God, and how to allow God to bring healing to the broken places in your life. It includes many true life stories of healing, and asks wonderful questions for your own healing journey. I have purchased several copies of this book to give to family and friends. I am in a study of this book with two close friends, and we are seeing wonderful results from using the concepts outlined in this book. It says in the Bible, that Jesus came to ‘heal the brokenhearted’, and that ‘My sheep hear My voice’. These two verses will become a reality to you as you apply the principles found in this book. I highly recommend this book."
                 Posted by Muriel Plamondon on on October 16, 2013  

Excellent book

     “This book is in a ground-breaking area of counseling and is very well written. I highly recommend it to anyone involved in working with hurting people.”
            Posted by Timothy Warner on on October 1, 2013

Inner-healing prayer

     “We are working through this book via a bible study and it is great. Very deep into your emotions and the past but helping you to find your way to PEACE with GOD.”
               Posted by K Stephens on on September 23, 2013


    "The Book developed a framework that I will use the rest of my life for myself and for those I invest in ... to bring about wholeness. Rusty and the PRT are right that people often hit a glass ceiling in becoming like Christ. This book identifies those barriers and help you figure out how to move past them. It has helped me begin a journey that I always wished I could be on. I have finally re-engaged my heart and head and fight the spiritual warfare battle. Excellent!" 
               Posted by Joseph Peer on 12/22/2011 10:21:48 AM

Worth it!

     "After working through this book, I would highly recommend this guide. Not only did I find healing in some areas of my life, but also how to facilitate with others. Rusty shares his life and experiences openly and helpfully. As I practice the principles with others, I am awed to see God work in helping them see issues more clearly and find healing in their hearts from long-term struggles and shame. Amazing. If someone is willing to take the time to work through this book I would venture to say it could be life-changing."
           Posted by Robin Durgin on 12/6/2011 7:20:57 AM

Answers to Woundedness

     "Rusty Rustenbach's A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer has been instrumental in guiding seven of us into a greater awareness of God's desire to speak deep into our lives. As we've learned how to better listen to God, and as we've learned more about His desire to heal past wounding in our lives, God has brought healing to some, a renewed hope for intimacy with the Father for others and an increased desire for all of us to listen to His voice. I believe that this guide can best be used by a small group whose members truly desire to hear God's voice and experience inner healing in new ways."
           Posted by Jim Haralson on 1/14/2012 12:43:04 PM

Order now on Amazon.


  1. "The heart’s inability to experience what the head knows is a sure sign of a heart in bondage" was the most highlighted quote by Kindle Readers of "A Guide 4 Listening & Inner-Healing Prayer." What's your favorite quote from the book?

  2. "A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer" has completely transformed my prayer life! The first time I set aside dedicated time to spend with God and to work through the lessons in the book, I was amazed at what God revealed to me in response to my questions - I was so blessed! I continue to regularly set aside time to spend in prayer and use the techniques I learned in this book to bring new questions and concerns to God as He continues to heal areas of wounding from my past. God wants to communicate with us - we just need to learn how to be still and sensitive to His voice. This book has not only transformed my life, but I use it regularly as a part of my ministry of healing for persons with unwanted same-sex attraction. I highly recommend this book to any person who desires a more intimate relationship with God!

    1. I'm so glad you encountered Jesus is a transformational way while listening your way through the book ... that you "met God in the broken places." He is the One who delights in the well-being of His children - Psalm 33:27. Thanks for sharing your story!

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