Sunday, August 3, 2014

What Do You Yearn For?

In the deepest place of your heart, are you aware of what you yearn for? More importantly, are you consciously aware of the things you look to in order to satisfy your thirst?
“What a man desires is unfailing love” - Proverbs 19:22
The Miriam Webster Online Dictionary defines yearning as a tender or urgent longing.

Some say that at our most basic level, we are all driven by two basic yearnings. People of every age, nationality, language and race hunger to be:

  • Fully loved
  • Fully known
Others have described our two most profound longings as security (to be fully loved) and significance (that my life would make a worthwhile contribution).

And sometimes these two cravings conflict with one another. In our desire to be deeply loved and embraced, we may fear making ourselves fully known. If others really knew everything about us, they’d probably distance themselves from us and even reject us. So we hide behind a mask of like-ability. 


God is the only One who possesses what it takes to truly know us inside and out while, at the same time, fully love us and count us as precious in His sight. Unfortunately, relatively few of us experience ourselves as fully known and fully loved by God.

For My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.  - Jeremiah 2:13 NASB
Without realizing it, most people on the planet find themselves duped into seeking to satisfy their thirst via broken cisterns that leak like a sieve.

As children, most of us looked to dad and mom to satisfy these yearnings. Later we looked to our peers. Problem is that the love and interaction from dad, mom, and our peers was imperfect at best. To complicate things, most of us we were wounded and hurt in these formative years, some worse than others. Satisfying the yearning to be fully loved and known by looking to people is like dreaming an impossible dream (more like a nightmare!)

Only God the Father as revealed in the person of Jesus Christ has the miraculous capacity to both fully know us inside and out … and at the same time … to love us fully and completely. 


This exercise can be used in a time alone with God. If you lead a small group, you may want to use this assignment with the people you are studying with. Or you can do this exercise together with your spouse or a friend.

Dedicate 30 minutes in a tranquil place where you won’t be disturbed. After quieting down, ask God the below questions. Praying through the Listening to God Guidelines before answering the questions will be helpful.

This exercise won’t really help you unless you’re honest with yourself and with God. Write down what comes to you. As you jot things down it’s like priming the pump and God often will bring additional communication to you.

  1. God, what is my deepest underling yearning as I live my day-to-day life? (You may have more than one. Just write down what comes to you.) ________________________________________________________
  2. Am I hiding behind a mask and not sharing who I truly am - or am I pretending things are going better than they actually are? _______________________________________________
  3. What or who am I looking to in an attempt to satisfy my deepest yearning(s)? ________________________________________________________
  4. If you uncover a faulty strategy you’re unwittingly following to quench your longing(s) or are disappointed because what you’re doing isn’t working, tell God all about it. If you feel you’ve been falling short of what God wants for you, confess it to Him. If you want to change, ask God for His special help. ________________________________________________________
  5. Ask Jesus, what do You have to communicate with me about the satisfaction of this yearning? (Jesus may send thoughts into your mind, a picture, remind you of a phrase from a song, fragments of scripture, etc.). ________________________________________________________
  6. Share what took place as you used this exercise by leaving a comment or writing This will help me know I am writing about things that are useful to you. If you’re not at a place where you want what you wrote shared with others, say so, and I’ll keep it private.


  1. Good Morning

    I look for the new entry every week. I love the team and vision of prt......please keep posting. The transparency and Truth excites me and rings true in my heart! It totally works for me!

    As I respond to the latest entry of August 3rd and work through the listening to God guidelines, I find the questions very insightful and leading me to engage with Him! I was as honest as I knew to be and truly regurgitated whatever was on my heart...I see that I look to others for direction and seek answers for my life in others lives, which is a pattern I contend with often. There was a time of confession for me:) A few listening times ago, God gave me the picture of Peter jumping off the boat to Jesus, who was walking on the water..... and that was what I saw everything of myself to Jesus, not caring what others in my life think about my "jump". I am in. "Here I am Lord, take all of me." My focus is on Him every time I close my eyes. My strength and security is in looking and gazing at Him. Distractions are all around me, coming through all my senses and my thoughts but Living Water is flowing through me. "Infuse me Lord, ooze out of me" I pray. "What pleases you, Lord?" "Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light." Micah 7:8 Then My thoughts went to Ps27:4-6 "4 The one thing I want from God, the thing I seek most of all, is the privilege of meditating in his Temple, living in his presence every day of my life, delighting in his incomparable perfections and glory. 5 There I’ll be when troubles come. He will hide me. He will set me on a high rock 6 out of reach of all my enemies. Then I will bring him sacrifices and sing his praises with much joy." I closed this time asking God to seal it:)

    Please keep the posts coming. I love when others share their struggles too. Really they are testimonies to how God has used that to speak His truth! Thank you! I watch every week! And I look under the events tab too bec. the seminars you offer are beneficial and reasonably priced:))

    Also, I love the worship tab too! Thanks! - Renee

  2. Thanks Renee for taking the time to comment on this post. I'm so glad you find the weekly posts helpful and that you also like the worship music. May GOD continue to meet you in special ways. In His Grace, Rusty
