Monday, March 11, 2013


GOD gave just over 50 of us an exceptionally special time together at the Reformed Church in Oak Harbor, Washington on Friday afternoon and all day Saturday (March 8 & 9). We had a blast! Here are a few highlights that were noted:
  • It opened the eyes of my heart,
  • Relationships are not fixed, they are developed,
  • Every conflict is an opportunity to show what I really believe about God,
  • Anger is a guardian emotion,
  • Forgiveness is the only solution to hurt and anger
  • This is the beginning of my real life and I am 55 years old,
  • I didn’t know that my feelings are so important,
  • My spiritual growth doesn’t occur by managing my behavior but by changing what I believe,
  • I learned a biblical model for dealing with hurt and anger,

It was such a fantastic time of deep connection, interaction, and going deep!

On March 15 and 16 we’re looking forward to going even deeper with Jesus as we focus on Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer with a slightly larger group of friends. Join us if you can. Here’s the link for more information: Seminar Link.

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