Without realizing it, many of us have hidden
self-protective strategies (often called defense mechanisms) that prevent deep
emotional wounds from ever healing. All too often, these unconscious tactics we
fall into to when we seek to protect ourselves from further hurt, end up
becoming a wall or blockage which prevents or hinders the light of Christ from ever
penetrating and healing the wound.
Unbiblical Vows. “An unbiblical inner vow is a strong decision,
oath, or declaration of what we will or will not do in order to protect
ourselves from pain or further hurt or to obtain what we feel we need. These
vows are usually made unconsciously in the midst of a wounding event and
involve relying on ourselves for protection rather than trusting in God and His
Imagine you were hurt repeatedly by the way
your father or mother treated you while you were growing up. Zoowey’s dad
criticized her constantly as a little girl, adolescent, young woman, and still
does as an adult. She grew up believing the lie that no matter how hard she tried, it was never good enough. Somewhere
along the way she cut herself off from her heart. This vow of self-protection developed into an unconscious
Hidden Strategies. “A
strategy refers to a largely unconscious plan, method, or series of maneuvers
that help us obtain what was vowed. Faulty self-protective strategies often
grow out of hidden lies and vows2.” As one hurt piled up on another,
Zoowey unwittingly began to follow a stratagem of never being vulnerable,
authentic, or offering her heart from anyone.
In the short term, her hidden vow and
strategy seemed to keep her father’s words and actions from damaging her more deeply.
It also seemed to protect her from being hurt by others. But as the years
passed, it was as though she died on the inside. She longed for deep connection
with others and with Jesus. But the vow and strategy became a prison that kept
everything out, including the healing she yearned for.
Zoowey lived behind her walls of
self-protection throughout her adolescence, into young adulthood, and was
approaching forty. She became
friends with a couple who was skilled in facilitating inner-healing prayer. At
first she pretended that everything was just fine in her relationship with this
couple. Then she let them in just a little bit and told them bits and pieces of
her story. In this friendship, as days became months, and months morphed into
years, the prison walls began to crack and crumble.
A year or so ago the real Zoowey went through
a spiritual metamorphosis and emerged from her oppressive cocoon. With Jesus’
help she renounced3 the lie,
vow, and strategy. She began to develop a listening relationship with God, the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As she listened, little by little He began to
call her forth into being the woman He had created her to be. About three
months after she escaped from her self-made penitentiary, she slowly, but
surely, began to radiate the love of Christ. She also forgave her father not
only for what he had done to her, but also forgave him for how his abusive
words had affected her as a woman.
The work that God did in Zoowey as she
surrendered her self-protection and fell into the arms of Jesus reminds me of
Psalm 124:6 & 7 in The Message:
blessed be God! He didn't go off and leave us. He didn't abandon us
defenseless, helpless as a rabbit in a pack of snarling dogs. We've flown free
from their fangs, free of their traps, free as a bird. Their grip is broken;
we're free as a bird in flight.
It also reminds me of the song “You Raise Me
Up” that musically describes what God did in the heart of Zoowey. Have you
heard and seen this rendition of the song by “Selah?” I guarantee it’ll touch
your heart.
1 Rusty Rustenbach, A Guide to Listening and Inner-HealingPrayer, (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2011), 96.
1 Rusty Rustenbach, A Guide to Listening and Inner-HealingPrayer, (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2011), 96.
2 Ibid, 96.
3 Renouncing lies, unbiblical
vows, and faulty strategies is an act of biblical repentance. One definition of
repent in the New Testament is “to change one’s mind or purpose” (1995
New American Standard Bible with Strong’s numbers, footnotes, cross-references,
and lexicons).
How about you? Where are you in your
journey? Take the time to tell your story, ask questions, make comments, and possibly
to emerge from your cocoon.
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